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3.7.15 around 2pm

I've been to Wg's via "the ride" to there and scooted home! The road, Technical park drive, wasn't too bad! The potholes and bumps always make it a challenge though! My battery indicator said full power all the way home :)! I'm using a new method to remember the things I need/want! I've got "notes" in my I phone! I create a note for the things I want/need :)! The only thing is I forget to put something in the note! Today it was milk :(! I was able to get my script filled! I said to this person right up front "I know my ID is expired"! This person who I've never seen there before said "it doesn't matter"! So I lucked out again, it seems its just the one lady who won't fill this script cause my ID is expired :) !


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