Yesterday at hics we had my friend and mentor Jeff Sebel come speak to us about living with tbi. He talked about having champions in your life to help get you through life's obstacles and being able to live each day the way you want. I said, can that be yourself, then I got home and found a photo and shared it on my fb page that states "you are the champion of your life"! I don't mean to brag or show conceit but to get to where I've gotten to dealing with all the issues I deal with on a daily basis I am my own hero or champion! I take that a step further too, I'm not letting myself get complacent! I want more and I'm gonna get more :)! Today I'm going to the YMCA to do my weights then to hics for trivia night :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!