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3.21.15 around 10am

My not so little girl's B-day is tomorrow! I think she's turning 28 yrs young :)! I knew it was not to long after Kenny's B-day but thanks to fb I was sure it is tomorrow :)! Today I did something way out of the ordinary! I made myself a very little breakfast! I just nuked up some turkey bacon! I'm thinking later getting ready to make a cheese turkey bacon turkey burger on whole wheat bread for dinna tonight! I was also thinking of making fettuccini alfreado! Maybe I'll do both. Its snowing out, I need to make a Wg's scoot! I'll wait and see if it stops before I attempt to make this needed scoot!  I'd book a ride there for tomorrow  but I'm hopping Lisa and I are gonna go to church tomorrow! If we do I'm sure Lisa will stop there so I can pick up a few items! There are things I can't get at the store like protein shakes and French vanilla coffee creamer! I gutta check to see if any meds are ready too! I'll be happy when this weather isn't a factor  with my freedom! Even when I get te scooter I want the weather won't matter as much cause it goes faster which  means I wouldn't be exposed to it as long :)!


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