I've been to hics today and pd JR ran a great group entitled, can you find happiness with a traumatic brain injury? That really made me think! I thought of my life before! In 2001 I made the most $ I ever made, over $150,000! I had MMD's tax guy do my taxes that year! My opinion on this is, you have to find ways to make you happy! He got some ideas from some web site I think all of which I employ now! Accept your limits! I accept mine but I WON'T give in to them! Embrace your boundaries, again don't give in to them! Set realistic goals, learn from failures. One I live by is to keep a journal or in my case a blog :)! Exercise was one know your purpose was another. I believe my purpose is to help other survivors deal with this dreaded injury and I'm doing this through blogging! I hope I'm also helping non tbi folks! I've got feedback before from readers saying "if he can do it, I'm gonna too"! I've got this from survivors and other people too :)! When I get really frustrated trying to complete a task I stop and come back to it another time. I NEVER give up though :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!