I've been to Wg's and forgot a few things but I got coffee creamer and m&m's! Its probably a good thing I didn't spend money on candles and coke zero cause I really don't have the funds! I've got at least three weeks till I get my check deposited. I don't want to need to transfer money from my savings to pay rent! I'm very, very good with my limited funding! I forgot to check my laundry card before I went to Wg's so I did on the way back. There was only $1.75 left on it! I had to scoot on over to the office after I put everything in it's home, I did that, put $10 on it! The machine took my $10 bill on the 2nd feed, I didn't have to struggle with it today :)! Now to make some dinna, at this time it's gutta be something quick and easy :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!