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4.3.15 after 7pm

I had to go downstairs and check the value on my laundry card and now my apartment smells of pneumonia! I don't know how I must have got it on me so I lit an incense stick and a scented votive! Hopefully that does the trick! It was so strong it was burning my eyes! Now I forget how much value I have on my card! That's all it takes for this survivor to forget something just alternate my concentration the slightest bit! I'm sure I've got enough for wash and dry though cause if not I would have cemented it in my head to go and put more value on it tomorrow! I'm in a routine as I've gutta be living with a tbi! We forget things so easily if we have a routine of doing things and stick to it, it's less likely we will forget things! It happens   though, but LESS likely:)!


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