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4.13.15 around 7.30pm

I shared a post I found in my news feed "what was your first car" and it's fun seeing everyone's comment's  some pics too :)! This survivor can make fun out of almost anything :)! The best vehicle I bought for sure in 1993 when I bought a brand new dodge caravan! That was for the family though! I had a new van every two years with Giant but the best personal   vehicle (besides  my motorcycles) was an 84 s-10 Chevy pick up! In my 20's I used to get cars that needed work and do it myself! I went through my chevy vega era,I owned two of them! Then I went through a pinto era! My best pinto I got for putting a windshield in for this lady! She said when it got to 1/2 tank of gas it would stop running! I got it home   and looked at the tank and found like a cover on the back that I had to use a screwdriver and place it on like a grove in the cover and take a hammer and tap the sd and back the cover out! When I got the cover off I reached my arm inside the tank and pulled out a sweatshirt :)! When the level in the tank got down to a half tank the shirt would block the gas flow so I got a great car for $40 and a little time :)! That was the car I broke my neck in too! 


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