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4.30.15 around 4pm

I went to Braintree rehab and got my Botox injections! You would think given the size of the needles  and he places I get injected it would be very painful! This doctor gave me many shots in tender places like between my fingers and it was for the most part painless! I'll start to feel the effects in about two weeks! I'm gonna wait to do Wg's until my new scooter arrives tomorrow btw 10am and 1pm! I looked around and Braintree rehab is not far at all from my apartment! I could even scoot there using the scooter I've go now. It just moves to slowly!The new scooter advertises going 18mph! That's more than 3x as fast as this one so yes I'll be able ti scoot to Braintree rehab :)!


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