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4.16.15 going on 8pm

I was finally able to order that scooter that goes a blazing 18mph :)! I post things I need to remember on my fb page, I posted the scooter and clicked on it while using my tablet! The link to put the scooter in your cart showed up on my tablet so I clicked it on the tablet! I figured when I get on my desktop I'll just view my cart then purchase it, wrong! I get on my dt, click on the scooter on my fb page,check my cart and my cart is empty :(! It seems the links are there on my dt but just not aluminated! I had to remember where they where and just click on empty space! I must say this brain injury survivor with memory issues did very, very, very well with this challenging task :)! See this is why I'm always eating late! I get to doing something and can't drop it until it's finished! Now to make a very late dinna :)!


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