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4.23.15 after 7pm

I've gutta search my brain to think of what happened today! When you live with a traumatic brain injury these things you used to be able to do without putting much thought in you find you've really got to put a lot of thought in to get it right! I saw my urologist this morning and he checked my PSA count! That was well within what it should be-no cancer :)! I emailed Ali at the YMCA to inform her that I wouldn't be there tomorrow or Monday! Monday  cause of a podiatrist appointment and tomorrow cause UPS IS gonna deliver my new scooter btw 10am-1pm :)! I know my luck is not good with deliveries but I've gutta be positive and believe it's gonna happen! Ali is so cool too, she land lined me after getting my mail just to say she got it and express her sympathy for my delivery woes! I'm really excited to get the scooter tomorrow! It says it comes fully assembled but I doubt it's FULLY assembled!I hope I won' need many tools cause I don't have many here! There is a guy who lives a few doors down that I think does have some tools so I can always ask if I need something but I wont, positive attitude!


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