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6.30.14 b4 11am

Today I'm gonna go 2 the YMCA for my resistance training! I've gutta make it today cause on Wednesday KJ and I are going 2 the office here at Ramblewood 4 a meeting with the new manager! I'm hoping that with KJ there too maybe they will take my concerns more seriously! Friday is the holiday and the YMCA is closed :(! I printed out a list of events at the Brockton fair going on now! There is a demolition derby,I love those so I asked Lisa if she would go but,she is worried her car is on its last legs and doesn't want to chance it! I'm thinking that its only the next town over, can't be too too much of a cab fair,the "ride" does service some of Brockton, a call in 2 the "ride" should be my 1st cource of action! If they don't do the fair then get on the land line calling local cab co's! Around the 4th they have a powder puff demo!Crazy wemen drivers crashing into each other! I think that sounds like lots of fun to watch :)! 


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