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6.12.14 around 4pm

Hics was great today :)! We had client presentations! This is where one of the survivors would present to the group something that they are very knowledgeable about! For instance what they did b4 the tbi! I've thought about doing one myself, mainly about managing people! I would have to start with a brief history about my career, Settles glass and the 1988 labor dispute to reaching the top of my trade and working for the greatest owner of a glass company there is Dennis Drinkwater of Giant Glass! He made managing people easy cause he always showed his appreciation for all the hard work you did :)! That's what I tried to do at Giant cause I got a monthly commission check for all the work we got done so I made $ off all my guys production! I'd like to think I was always fair though,if I had to give a guy another job I would always ask if he could do it! I would get my commission ck and take all the people and their spouses out to dinna! I didn't have to but I just thought it was necessary to say thank-you for all your hard work!


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