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6.16.14 after 1pm

I can't get over how difficult it is and exhausting to run my life successfully! I've gutta add respectfully 2! I've always been the type that if I say I'm gonna be somewhere or do something I'm gonna be there or do it! Today I'm not gonna go to the YMCA  so that means I had to call and cancel my trips 2 and from the YMCA! Its a shared ride! There are usually other people on the van when it arrives 2 get me! I just think its a major inconvenience when you get 2 a place 2 pick up another person and they either don't answer or cancel then! You've already taken the time 2 go all the way 2 their address and go to the door! That's showing disrespect  4 the company and the others on "the ride"! That's not who I am! I try,and I emphasize TRY,to live the christen way,the way Jesus showed us! I know I can't always do it but that's why he died on the cross, he knew we were all sinners! I think if we all try to live the way he showed us we will be okay! That's why I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, treat people with respect 1st! That's why I think it's important to make sure you make all yur appointments,phone calls, do what you say yur gonna do! I'm doing pretty well living a    clean, responsible, happy, caring, successful, independent life :)!The only thing I've got left 4 today is my homemaker ( Michaela) is coming over at 4pm!


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