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Showing posts from June, 2014

6.30.14 around 8pm

I just had a scare, my blog wasn't responding properly! I seems to be okay now :)! Today I've had a pretty good workout at the YMCA! Only pretty good cause I don't think I'm concentrating enough on using the proper muscles on the machines! I think the machines make you use the right ones, I guess it's just me being me, looking to get  even more from the machines! That is gonna be the only time I go to the YMCA this week:( ! I got home and needed 2 scoot to Wg's and get a few things. I canceled my homemaker today so I could make the scoot stress free :)!  

6.30.14 b4 11am

Today I'm gonna go 2 the YMCA for my resistance training! I've gutta make it today cause on Wednesday KJ and I are going 2 the office here at Ramblewood 4 a meeting with the new manager! I'm hoping that with KJ there too maybe they will take my concerns more seriously! Friday is the holiday and the YMCA is closed :(! I printed out a list of events at the Brockton fair going on now! There is a demolition derby,I love those so I asked Lisa if she would go but,she is worried her car is on its last legs and doesn't want to chance it! I'm thinking that its only the next town over, can't be too too much of a cab fair,the "ride" does service some of Brockton, a call in 2 the "ride" should be my 1st cource of action! If they don't do the fair then get on the land line calling local cab co's! Around the 4th they have a powder puff demo!Crazy wemen drivers crashing into each other! I think that sounds like lots of fun to watch :)! 

6.29.14 after 9pm

Tomorrow I've got the YMCA to do my resistance training! Then my homemaker, Michaela comes over at 4pm! I've gutta see if there is enough  time after she is done 2 take a scoot 2 Wg's cause I'm noticing I don't have any thing to drink,well not much to drink :)!

6.29.14 after 8.30pm

You know fb is really cool, I got in touch with a old friend! JW I haven't seen or been able to speak with since our days at NU and working for Scas at 3a service! We always had a great time no matter what we did! I'm so happy I got a 2nd or counting my cancer,3rd chance at life :)!

6.29.14 around 1pm

I'm so glad I was able to problem solve out my printer issues! I tend to read my impressive resume over and over! I'm proud of all that I accomplished in my previous life especially all I was involved in for my career! There were not 2 many technightions who could say,carlite school graduate,wrote the criteria for the national glass association autoglass technightions certification process and testing requirements! Then I think back to working for Settles Glass and how I was the one to satisfy a problem when nobody  else could! I had come close 2 my goal of being the best at what I did but, I didn't get paid as the best! Along came Giant Glass where I got paid so well I then reached my goal of being "the best"! I had everything,was the boss of up to 12 people including office staff! The thing I think that made me so successful though was my ability to manage people! Everyone who works 4 Giant must be ready to work extremely hard,office staff included! I remember h...

6.30.14 around noon

I've booked all my trips for the week! Not too many this week due 2 the holiday and cause I've been suspended from all rec events cause  I couldn't make a hics event! I don't think I was treated fair cause I know I was wrong to cancel so many rec events but this was a hics event! I was gonna go to Walburger's 4 lunch and looked at my cash flow,it wasn't where I'd like it to be so I didn't feel like going! The rec coordinator spoke AT me and said"I'm on the watch, don't miss another event not due to "the ride" or anything"! This wasn't a rec event and I don't think it should have been held against me! Just another little battle this tbi survivor must fight! Today I donno what I'm gonna do maybe laundry I don't have a whole lot but I do need 2 do this every week cause I'll run out of clean socks and I don't like recycling them 2 much :)!

6.28.14 8.45-9.15 pm

I got my printer working! The wire came out from the  printer! This is hard for me to get back in!Lots of maneuvering and my balance is far from average but I was able to complete that task :)! I printed out a copy of my resume then emailed copies to KJ and the one doubter! I think I've had a very productive day!Oh I also uploaded  the file to my web site just in case I need to get at it and I'm away from my computer :)!

6.28.14 after 2pm

I think I've done all I've needed to this morning! I think I've put the finishing  touches on my resume and I've mailed a copy to KJ and to myself cause I'm having printer issues and am having trouble saving it to a flash drive so I go to backup mode:)!Now  I need to scoot 2 Wg's and pick up some supplies.

6.28.14 after 1pm

I think I've got my resume completed I've just got to get the formatting right and I'm having issues remembering how :( ! I take pride in proving the doubters wrong who said I wouldn't get it done!I'm having issues trying to save it to one of my flash  drive so I could bring it to prove one doubter wrong so I sent myself an email so all I've got to do is check my mail! I'm thinking too of mailing the file to KJ and she could help me format it right then print it at hics, always thinking :)! 

6.26.14 around 7.30pm

I've been to hics today and that was okay. In one group we had 2 think what are our job goals for this quarter.Mine is to create a resume! The staff person didn't think I'd get it done. I'm thinking now by him saying that it gives me extra incentive to get it done. He's a smart man,I've already started to create my resume! I was looking in Microsoft office to see if there was a template to go by but couldn't find one so I'm gonna wing it with notepad! When I get to my work experience it won't be too many places I've worked at but long periods of time at he few places which is a great asset!Thirteen years at Settles Glass then nine years with Giant Glass! A new thing I've never done on any resume I've created before is to list my primary email address and I though it would be great to put my web site on there too!

6.25.14 around 3pm

We as survivors of traumatic  brain injury tend to be very sensitive! Even more when it comes to our intelligence and independence! Imagine not being able to talk or having speech problems.People tend to judge people by the way they articulate! We all are thankful 4 any and all help we receive but you never should infer we need help with any task unless we ask for it! If you don't have faith we can do it right at least stand back and let us prove you WRONG!

6.23.14 after 7pm

I've been to the YMCA and had a great workout! I guess Sheryl got tired of seeing me struggle with my walker, she brought another one 4 me 2 use :)! When I go on Wednesday I've gutta take my scooter so I can bring my old walker home! Its a good idea 2 bring it to hics and leave it there! Then I can always take my scooter and if we take a van trip I'll have it there! I think we went up on just about all my weights today 2 :) !  

6.12.14 after 10.30am

Today I'm going 2 the YMCA! My walker is broke and I find it difficult to ambulate around,and there is a lot of walking in the gym just to get there is a walk! I've gutta do it though, no excuses! I'm finding people that say 2 me "don't tell ths 2 anyone"! Because of my tbi, you can't say or do anything you don't want repeated! I try but I tend to forget!  That is why I don't do or say anything I don't want anyone to know!I'm totally honest 2 cause if I lied I'd forget what lie I told who!

6.22.14 after 6pm

One of the hardest things I must accept from this God bless ad tbi is the way it affects my ability to reason,figure things out!Before that was a very strong quality I possessed! I would do a door glass in a car! The glass would have 10 holes in it,first I'd have to figure (reason) out how to get the door panel (cover) off, then what parts go on the glass and where!After that then how to get it in the door with all the parts on it!You can't put the parts on after you get it in the door,no room! Then with the aftermarket glass reason how to make  it fit and work properly! Now I can't even reason how to get a shirt right after its gone through the dryer! I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with this but its so hard :)!

6.22.14 around 11am

My plan for today is to go to  the pool :)!I darken up quickly so I don't have to stay long plus I gutta do laundry today! I booked all my rides last night and I've checked 2 make sure they are all right, checked my bank accounts 2 c if there are any malicious charges! I've got an ITunes charge on there, I know I got  a tune but I've got 2 figure out if its more less expensive 2 use ITunes or if I should be using "rhapsody" from "real player"! I'm still having major issues using my mouse! All of a sudden my curser will disappear! Then I can't click on anything! I try disconnecting my mouse adaptor,that works sometimes but most of the time I've gutta hold the power button in to do a restart!Then it comes to life again :)!

6.21.14 around 11.30pm

Now I'm finding that my right arm is getting hard to lift and keep up like to use my mouse on my computer :)! That is why I get Botox shots,must be getting near time 2 get them again,or I hope that is why!

6.21.14 around 10.30pm

I just booked all my rides for the week on-line! I had 2 do it this way cause I'm thinking of ways not to get in a mess on Wednesdays when I go to the YMCA and my ride no-shows me to go to hics at night! I've done it this way in the past and it worked out great the only thing is they don't like you doing it this way! I booked my normal 1.15 return from the YMCA then I booked a return from home to hics at 3.30pm :)! I'm much smarter than "the ride" :)!

6.20.14 after 10pm

Tomorrow I've got to get to the pool! Its supposed to be nice sunny weather, good day to take a dip too :) ! Lisa is gonna be there too!I'm thinking a nice relaxing time hanging out with a blond babe, I'm there:)!


I scooted 2 Wg's and got a med I had to pay out of pocket for! Its very costly too! I haven't had the need for it yet but if the need arises I want to be able to rise 2 the moment! Just not sure after battling prostate cancer! There is a meeting tonight at the office I'm going to with Lisa! I don't think anything will come of it but, I've gutta mention about technical park drive and how the potholes and bumps make it dangerous!  

6.20.14 after 1pm

I didn't do the YMCA today cause my walker is broken! Its hard 4 me to ambulate around my apartment!  I had difficulty ambulating around the gym on Wednesday so I think its a wise decision to skip today! I know excuses, I gutta think of safety first! Monday I have 2 go even if I gutta use my scooter!

6.20.14 around 10am

I think I've done all my morning tasks,check my bank accounts 2 make sure I don't have to transfer any $ from my savings 2 checking, checked my ride times make sure they didn't somehow change from last night, that has happened b4! My pickup 2 go to the YMCA is 11.43am! I can remember that cause I think of the signal from the Minot lighthouse 1-4-3, I love you,just add a one at the start and you've got 11.43 :)!

6.20.14 b4 9am

I slept real well last night! I think I just had a 24hr bug! The only thing bothering me now, besides my brain, is my foot! I've learned to deal with foot pain though! I've got the YMCA today! I think I'm doing okay not missing many YMCA trips although I missed Monday! I've just gotta not let the corn take up space in my brain! It doesn't help having to use a broken walker though but I'm dealing :)!

6.19.14 b4 noon

I couldn't do the conference today cause last night I was awaken by getting sick! I got up early and started the coffee and got sick again!I knew then I was in no shape to go anywhere! I'm feeling a little better now just run down from all the energy I spent getting sick :(!

6.18.14 around 7.30pm

I've gutta get up btw 5.30-6am tomorrow cause I've got a 6.50am pick up time to go to the Sheraton in Norwood for an MRC conference :) !This is very important 4 me too! My MRC councilor dropped or closed my case cause of no affordable transportation!Now I've got it so I've got to look for anyone from MRC who will listen to me!I call this self advocating :) ! Then I could have someone looking 4 a job 4 me, also support if I'm found a job! I'm hoping I can find such a person!  

6.18.14 after 4.30pm

Things are happening too fast for this tbi survivor to even know whats happening as it happens! I think the place I got my walker called my doctor's office looking 4 a referral so granite medical called me asking questions! I think I answered them all correctly! Then my cell phone rings, then Lisa calls me! I need a break,too to much going on this  tbi survivor needs a break!

6.18.14 around 3.30pm

I just got home from my workout a little while ago and my ride to go to Boston bowl was in the parking lot waiting 4 me! Its just not me 2 go out smelling like a goat so I told the driver to cancel the trip! I then got upstairs in my apartment and called hics and asked to talk with the rec coordinator cause she had spoken to me about canceling too many rec events! I really had no choice but to cancel hopefully the rec coordinator will see it that way 2! 

6.18.14 after 10.30

KJ was over and we got the most important task done I got a new walker ordered! I think too of no cost 2 me :)!I posted the model I got on fb so when I forget it I can see it :)! Now I'm gonna go to the YMCA then lata Boston bowl!

6.17.14 around 9pm

I find myself reading what Kenny wrote again and again! From the time he was 11 yrs old we started are journey together and I just tried to be a good father and  I guess role model! He made his own way through life to get where he is now! When I think back to all the things we went through together I'm amazed he is the respectable young man he is now! He put up with all the gf's coming and going but  I just wanted him to know what respect is! He knows 4 sure and his fathers   day gift to me shows so much respect,I could never ask or want anything else than to have respect from my son :)!Tomorrow KJ is gonna make a home visit btw 8-9 am then I'm going to the YMCA then bowling with hics at Boston bowl and you know what that means, dinna at deadwoods café, home of the bestest steak and cheese calzone around!

6.17.14 around 11am

This SUX! I got no showed by "the ride" this morning! My building is kinda hard to find but this has happened too many times! I used 2 go downstairs and wait for the driver at the entrance 2 my building but then dispatch would call my landline and of course I WASN'T there cause I was ds waiting!So I tried a new approach of waiting up stairs 4 the driver 2 buzz my apt. The driver today obviously couldn't find my building, dispatch called my landline, I couldn't get 2 my phone, I heard the ring and thought I should call "the ride" on my cell, did that,they said "he is ds waiting" I go ds, no driver! I call again and file a complaint with "the ride"! This has happened way too much :( !  

6.17.14 after 8am

Today I'm meeting hics @ Walburgers in Hingham 4 lunch :) ! I do need some supplies @ Wg's too but my return trip is @ 2.14pm and that should give me plenty of time 2 scoot 2 Wg's but this is the unreliable ride! 

6.16.14 after 9.30pm

Today was laundry day! I got all of it done today :) ! It is still very challenging for me after I get it from the dryer but I'm able to do it and very well! I also had Lisa come up to read what Kenny wrote about me on fb! She thought that was a very nice thing Kenny did but she has got to know me after hanging out for a while now,she knows how I am! Tomorrow I'm meeting hics at Walburgers  in Hingham Mass 4 lunch!

6.16.14 after 1pm

I can't get over how difficult it is and exhausting to run my life successfully! I've gutta add respectfully 2! I've always been the type that if I say I'm gonna be somewhere or do something I'm gonna be there or do it! Today I'm not gonna go to the YMCA  so that means I had to call and cancel my trips 2 and from the YMCA! Its a shared ride! There are usually other people on the van when it arrives 2 get me! I just think its a major inconvenience when you get 2 a place 2 pick up another person and they either don't answer or cancel then! You've already taken the time 2 go all the way 2 their address and go to the door! That's showing disrespect  4 the company and the others on "the ride"! That's not who I am! I try,and I emphasize TRY,to live the christen way,the way Jesus showed us! I know I can't always do it but that's why he died on the cross, he knew we were all sinners! I think if we all try to live the way he showed us we...

6.15.14 after 10pm

Tomorrow I'm gonna go 2 the YMCA 2 do my resistance training! My foot is causing me pain but doing resistance training helps me in so many ways I've gutta work through the pain! If only it wasn't such a long and exhausting walk to get up to the gym! I usually do my cardio after my weights but this is like doing it b4 and after! I've just got to think that it is good 2 get my heart pumping b4 I start my workout! I'm always an optimist! 

6.15.14 after 9pm

It's getting time 2 call it a day but what a great day it has been :)! From being taken out to dinna to my son  paying a great tribute to me on fb! I do have to take some credit for molding three children into three outstanding young adults :)!

6.15.14 after 7pm

I've had a wonderful fathers day! Lissy came down and  we went out 2 dinna! I was able to spend some great qt with Lissy!Cause of her education she is able to know the frustrations I'm gonna encounter!She knows me too, although she is ready and wants to help do little things like opening a small cream packet to put in my coffee I've gutta do it myself cause that's who I am! 

6.15.14 around 2.30pm

I think Lissy said we were gonna go out 4 dinna 2, my choice! In that case I'm thinkin Jamie's in Braintree! I'd naturally prefer Scituate but I don't want her to use too much gas, she is already coming 2 c me from Nh!

6.15.14 b4 noon

I don't know if its just me, cause I'm living with tbi, or everyone feels this way. I just think when you tell someone your gonna do something follow through on it even if its just a promise to make a phone call! Today Lissy is gonna come over 2 c her dad :)! I think we are gonna do dinna too! Just being able to spend qt with my youngest child is way good enough 4 me :)! I'm thinkin about going 2 the pool b4 she comes! I don't need much time 2 get color I've got Indian blood in me :)! 

6.15.14 around 11am

Fathers day, lets face it, a real farther was there to change you when you were a baby, to help with homework, to take you wherever you needed to be, to wipe the tears off your face when your sad, to listen to everything you've got to say! Not someone who appears later in life to pick up the pieces! Happy fathers day to all us real dads!

6.14.14 b4 noon

I woke up super happy this morning and I can't pinpoint exactly why,I'll just take it though and move forward! I was gonna meet Lisa at the pool this morning but it's kinda overcast out and I do need some things at Wg's so I'm gonna plan on taking a scoot to Wg's!

6.13.14 6.30-9pm

The weekend is upon us :) ! I once again love the weekend! I didn't for a while there cause nothing to do but now living in Holbrook I can get transportation anywhere in  the greater  Boston area as long as I book the trip a day ahead! I've got my scooter too so I can get to many local places! If its nice out tomorrow I've got to get to the pool so I can get golden brown :) ! I'd like to do some swimming 2! Maybe I can bring my cam and get some shots of the pool then if Lisa is there maybe some shots of a tbi survivor swimming :)!

6.13.14 after 4pm

I've had a great workout at the YMCA! I try to engage my abs on every machine and its paying dividends! I now am shirtless more than I have a shirt on! I was that way b4 my coma and it feels great :)! It get so hot on the 3rd floor and I even have the pump surgically implanted in   my gut and I'm still happy with the way I look :)! If yur happy with yourself who cares what others think!

6.13.14 nearing 12pm

My mind had been wondering as it often does and I was thinking what if I get a tooth ache! First I've gutta remember the name of my dentist! I used to have delta dental 4 insurance so I think of words that begin with D !I think right away of deluxe then it pops in my head it  is Lux dental in Quincy! Just strategies you must use when living with tbi!  


It is my youngest's B-day today! The only child we had that wasn't planned but what a pleasant surprise she has been :)! Happy B-day Lissy! Today I'm trying to get up the energy to go to the YMCA but my foot is really hurting today! I've gotta not think of the pain and think about getting buff :)! My pick up time is over an hour away so I'll try to forget about the pain,I'm a believer in mind over matter,your mind is very powerful!

6.12.14 after 9pm

I've just gutta share that living with brain injury is very hard! You try to do things and YOU don't understand why things are just so hard to get done! You dream of one day everything will be close to what they were! I know that's never gonna happen so I work on ways I can get the result I'm looking for from all the strategies I've learned through all the therapy I've  had! I'd like to think I'm getting the better of this tbi :)!

6.12.14 after 8pm

I spent the rest of today paying bills! My check was deposited  in my checking account and showed up on Wednesday so that means time to pay my bills! Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA for resistance training and I'll try to remember the weight I'm pushing on at least one of the machines! I've got it in my head now I'm leg pressing 250lbs 12 reps and I find that easy :)! 

6.12.14 around 4pm

Hics was great today :)! We had client presentations! This is where one of the survivors would present to the group something that they are very knowledgeable about! For instance what they did b4 the tbi! I've thought about doing one myself, mainly about managing people! I would have to start with a brief history about my career, Settles glass and the 1988 labor dispute to reaching the top of my trade and working for the greatest owner of a glass company there is Dennis Drinkwater of Giant Glass! He made managing people easy cause he always showed his appreciation for all the hard work you did :)! That's what I tried to do at Giant cause I got a monthly commission check for all the work we got done so I made $ off all my guys production! I'd like to think I was always fair though,if I had to give a guy another job I would always ask if he could do it! I would get my commission ck and take all the people and their spouses out to dinna! I didn't have to but I just thought...

6.11.14 around 8.30pm

I've had such a great day! It started out with KJ making a home visit and I gutta tell you I'm a lucky guy having her as my #1 support! She is gonna figure out how I can get my external dvd rom to work with my tablet I just gutta find the booklet it came with! I know I've seen it around here I just can't remember where but it WILL turn up :)!I've been to the YMCA and have been working on my rom on my right side and observed great improvement today!I meet hics at the clam box and had a box of clams 4 dinna! Not strips the real thing with belly's that explode in your mouth :)!  I get home and that blond babe Lisa is there to greet me :) !

6.11.14 around 3pm

I just got home from my workout and I'm really impressed with my much improved range of motion (rom) on my right side :)! I can't tell you how much it helps me in every way doing resistance training and I feel great :)!I try to remember the lbs I'm pushing but I can only remember one machine a week, last week 250lbs on the leg press,this week 110 lbs on the triceps machine! That's 12 reps! 

6.10.14 8.15-8.30

Tomorrow KJ is gonna make a home visit btw 8-9 am then I'm going to the YMCA then I'm meeting hics at "the clam box" in Quincy Mass! I used to hang out right across the boulevard at the beach with all my biker pals! No better feeling, talking bikes with other bikers,clean sea air,just looking at all the sexy machines too and mine was always the sexiest machine there :)! 

6.10.14 5-5.30pm

I've had hics today but I kinda forget what went on! I do know we had groups oh I remember now, we had to decide on what groups we want for next quarter :)! I got home and needed to take a scoot to Wg's cause I needed some ice cream! I need to keep that around cause when my ulcerated  throat acts up it is the only thing that will sooth it! 

6.9.14 around 9.30pm

Today I've had a great workout at the YMCA,my homemaker has been and did a great job! I don't even remember her leaving, I must have fallen asleep! Tomorrow I've got hics :). I still have yet to figure out how to get my tablet to recognize my external dvd rom drive!I'll bring them both tomorrow, maybe KJ can figure out how :) !

6.9.14 around 8pm

I scooted to the store and I get home my landline is ringing! It was that certain  person from Scituate! He tried to weasel his way out of all the mistreatment I received while living in Scituate! This time though he couldn't follow me and make me listen to all the mental abuse! He got my brain overloaded! This time I was able to just hang up the phone and he couldn't follow me and say "your going to listen to me now, I own this house"! I love being finally free!:)He can always comment on this through fb but I don't think that will happen cause he must know how wrong he is!

6.9.14 around 3.30pm

I just had a great workout at the YMCA! I'm really  concentrating on my form! To get the maximum benefit from the machines,good form is just, if not more, important than the number of reps I do :)! 

6.9.14 around 9am

I've got the YMCA today and I have a 2.31 return pick up time with "the ride" which should get me home in ample time to be here for Michaela ( my homemaker) but I programed bayada's phone number in my cell  in case there are too many pick ups and drop offs on the way home! It's just not me to not be someplace I'm supposed to be and not make the person or persons aware of this! Although my foot is causing me lots of discomfort I'm really starting to tighten up! I've gotten to the point of going shirtless around the apartment! I haven't felt this confident since b4 my motorcycle accident! B4 4.14.02 I was without a shirt more than I wore one :) !  

6.8.14 around 6.30pm

I got all my laundry done this afternoon :) ! As much of a challenge as it is for me after I get it from the dryer I just think back to being told "how are you going to do things on your own  like laundry"! That just goes to show you don't know what I'm made of! You belong with the long list of doctors that said "if he wakes up from the coma he won't  amount to anything"! That gets me through the frustration of trying to get my limbs to work together, I CAN do it :)! 

6.8.14 around noon

I seem to be having a little trouble getting out of my own way this morning. I've already booked my rides for the week this morning now if I can stop bumping into myself take a shower and go to the pool :) ! I do have to do laundry at some point today or tonight.

6.7.14 after 2.30pm

I scooted 2  Wg's and dug from my brain the items I forgot yesterday :)! I went there with the purpose of picking up my meds, then I remembered the things I forgot to get yesterday! I picked up my meds, got #20. cash back, I thought I needed coffee creamer but I saw this morning I still have an unopened container so with my check not being deposited till Tuesday I figured that can wait! When that happens I can do my,  what has turned out to be, bimonthly peapod order :)! Now I've got enough cash 4 the week ahead :)! Planning in advance another thing I'm supposed to struggle with but I do very well thinking in advance and being prepared!

things I've gutta do

I've gutta make plans to go to ROM and take my learners permit test! I know I've been studying on line by taking a sudo test! I've got a link that gives me questions just like they appear on the actual test! I can't remember when I've done this thou but I know I have but, that being so how can I expect myself to retain the information I'm studying if I can't remember studying! These are the issues I live with daily, I've gutta find the strength to move on and face my fear of not being able to retain the information enough to pass the learners permit exam! I've got to be me and think positive, I'll take the exam and probably answer all the questions right  :)!

6.7.14 after 9am

I got my external dvd rom drive connected to my tablet but the tablet won't recognize it! I've gutta work with it more though, I can't let a computer thing beat me :)! Today I've gutta do another scoot 2 Wg's cause I got home yesterday and had a vm saying they have a script ready 4 me! I've got some items I forgot to get anyway if I could only remember what those items were :(! I'll try and clear my head and try to remember but clearing this head is very challenging,thoughts just keep racing through my head and I've lost the ability to select one and just focus on that one!I'm gonna do it though and I will win this battle with this tbi cause I'm a winner :) !

6.6.14 around 3pm

I'm so happy I'm free! I just brewed a pot of afternoon coffee! It's things like this that I wasn't free 2 do while living in Scituate! When my mother passed it got worse! She would recognize when a certain person was being unfair to me and basically not giving me credit for my progression! I wasn't allowed to make coffee, cook anything that wasn't cooked in  the microwave! I couldn't even have anybody over the owner didn't know! I felt that was a major insult 2 my intelligence! I know I made a few mistakes after she passed but I learned from those mistakes and isn't that what life is! I guess what I'm trying to say is I've proved that I'm very responsible and all those restrictions were not necessary! I've still got some items from my apartment in Quincy I haven't gotten yet! MMD helped pack up my apartment in Quincy, I've gutta get a hold of her but I forget her landline number and she doesn't respond to email! I had a s...

6.6.14 b4 noon

I got up way early this morning cause my foot was absolutely killing me! I then called and cancelled my trips to the YMCA only cause the walk to get to the gym would have been very challenging with my foot hurting so badly! Today I've gutta find the strength to scoot to Wg's and pick ip a few things!Maybe I'll stop at D&D's too, I think I saw on tv they were giving FREE donuts with the purchase of a beverage!I don't usually have donuts but if its free its 4 me :)! 

6.4.14 around 10.30am

I've got so many things going on in my head right now it's difficult for this tbi survivor 2 keep track of it all! I've been able to research walkers and KJ suggested this site that has some good ones and can bill my insurance too! I've just gutta have a doctor's referral and she will call my pcp and ask for 1 :)! I've gutta keep track of everything though cause I believe that's one way to work my brain :)!

6.4.14 around 10am

KJ was here and she connected my micro usb to usb-2 port to my tablet! I made sure I saw how it was done too but with my tremors and spasticity it would still be a challenge for me! Now I can load on my software mainly my anti virus spyware stuff :)!

6.3.14 after 7.30pm

Tomorrow KJ is gonna make a home visit btw 8-9am! Then I'm going to the YMCA to do my resistance training! I try to remember exactly how many lbs of resistance I'm doing and all I can remember is I'm leg pressing 250 lbs 12 times! My legs were always strong though, my hockey experience doesn't hurt my leg strength too :)! No rec tomorrow night:(! I've gutta scoot to Wg's and the store so that will be the plan after I get home from the YMCA :)!

6.3.14 after 4pm

I had a great time at the scooper bowl :)! My favorite flavor of the day was Ben&Jerrys Carmel chunk ice cream :)! There were good size chunks of Carmel in there! Next peapod order I've gutta try to see if they have it! Its  so simple with peapod, I just type in what I want then it finds it then I  pick what size container I want :)!    

6.3.14 around 8am

My mind has been wondering, as it often dose, last night and this morning, of all the support, mainly  supports I've had on my journey. The bestest supports really stick out in my head! It started with CC my speech therapist who helped me to learn all my strategies so I could function somewhat normal!Then DM who helped to free me from all the restrictions I had to live with living in Scituate.My friends like Jan and Barbs who are always there for me! I guess the current supports stick out the furthest though cause they are the most recent! KJ is really moving to the top! I know its her job but she is really taking the time to get to know me and what makes me tick! I guess what I'm saying is I feel very lucky to have and have gotten the very best support :) !

6.2.14 around 8pm

Today has been kind of a weird day! I was on "the ride" this morning heading to the YMCA and my cell phone was ringing! It was JR from hics telling me my trips 4 tomorrow were the wrong address! KJ had written the address in my pocket calendar and I book the trip while looking at it! Things like this really confuse this tbi survivor greatly! Tomorrow I hope I'm going to the scooper bowl in Boston! All the ice cream  I can eat for around $10! I'm meeting hics there I hope.     Today I had an okay workout at the YMCA, only okay cause I feel like I didn't work as hard as I could have! I did all 12 reps on all the machines and got a good burn from the abb machine but I just want more, probably just me never being satisfied with my performance! I got my snail mail tonight and the wires to change or adapt a micro usb port to a usb-2 port came :)! Now I can hook up my  dvd rom to my tablet to install my anti-spyware/virus on my tablet! I don't feel safe without my W...

6.1.14 after 8pm

I started my day today by doing a decent trim of my beard! Then I had my 1st large cup of D&D's French vanilla coffee! Then I booked all my trips for the week!Then I scooted 2 Wg's and picked up my med and a few other items.Got home and did laundry! This tbi survivor is pooped! Laundry seems to always poop me out but even so anyone who thought this tbi survivor couldn't live totally independently outta get their head examined cause this tbi survivor is not only doing very well on his own, he is thriving on his own :)! 

6.1.14 after 7pm

I've been able to complete all my laundry for this week and it is still the most challenging task I must be able to perform! I put all my shirts and t-shirts on hangers so I don't have to get frustrated attempting to fold them all!Still though getting them right after being in the dryer is tough for me! The machine only eat one sock this week I guess I could have my homemaker do my laundry but everyone knows that's not me! While my laundry was in the dryer I was able to load all the rec (hics) events on to my online calendar if interested it is at :).

6.1.14 b4 11am

Its June already WOW! I was gonna meet Lisa at the pool today but it just seems I've got too much 2 do to go to the pool today! I've already booked all my trips 4 the week, I got the script I've been waiting 4 in the snail mail yesterday so that means I need to take another scoot to Wg's, I forgot protein shakes anyway! I've gutta do my laundry today 2! Maybe I'll scoot 2 Wg's while my laundry is in the dryer! Multitasking, I can handle that :) !