I started laundry, in doing so I realized I needed to add value to my laundry card to wash and dry the load! I started a wash then scooted to the office to add value to my card! It's snowing heavy out and the sidewalks around here are not cleared at all! I had to use Longmeadow dr. That meant I had to go over two speed bumps! They gave me lots of trouble before but I learned if I go at them on an angle I can get over them! That took a few try's but I finally got over them! Then to the machine and that worked out very good! I had a $10 bill I wanted to use and it took it on the 1st try! That machine has given me problems in the past but not this time :) ! Laundry is now drying and will be done at 3.30 pm then comes the part I always struggle with, folding and putting it all away but this brain injury survivor CAN do it :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!