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2.11.15 around 1pm

Its still snowing outside in Holbrook Massachusetts! Because of this and my experience with the snow removal here I didn't think it would be a good idea to even attempt to go anywhere today so I canceled the YMCA today! KJ was here this morning now I've gutta search my brain to try to remember what we did! I called my podiatrist and made another appointment  to go get this nasty corn taken care of, called another doctor to send a scrip for a med! I think she said she was in contact with the life insurance people! I think there was something I had to sign  but that's real cloudy so I'm not sure about that! Hics is closed tomorrow cause of the snow. That's too bad cause tomorrow we were gonna do karaoke! I want to do "here I go again" by Whitesnake but we did find out my tablet does record video! We're doing karaoke in rec soon anyway so its not too much of a bummer! That will give me more time to study the lyrics :)!


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