Today I went to Wg's by way of "the ride"! It wasn't too bad I needed a script filled and it took about an hour so I wasn't waiting long at all, actually it was a good thing my pick up was about a half hour later than my requested time! I paid my IRS agreement today too! That hurts,$377 a month! I won't even do a peapod order this month or a Walmart order but I did do a spin life order (scoter parts) though to the tune of $355! I checked it did ship too! I'll be looking for slips downstairs I have no problem signing it and Fed-x leaving it at the door cause these parts are useless to anyone unless they have a scoter the same as mine! So I can't do too much spending after I placed my spin life order but I got another battery box and charger! That will mean I can double the distance I can travel and also I can work on supping it up! I'm gonna try using four batteries instead of just two! I just wish the hardware store didn't close cause then I could have got the connecters that would be perfect! I'll make it work without them though, I'll jury rig something! I've got heavy duty speaker wire here and if I try making a series connection I'll just be attaching wires battery to battery, positive to positive then negative to negative! It will be fun :)! Tomorrow I've got the YMCA just for my weights, hopefully the snow removal is good enough to get out to my ride, I did today so I'm sure there will be no problem :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!