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2.18.15 after 5.30pm

Its been a very confusing afternoon for me :(! My trips for tonight got canceled and we don't know how! I could blame it on my spasticity  but I wasn't home this morning to early afternoon! My other though was maybe it got canceled and KJ did it but we talked through emails and rec was on! I wonder if its possible my account with the MBTA got hacked! Well we'll see what happens with the rest of my trips for the week! I know this wasn't me cause I would have had to confirm a cancellation and that just didn't happen! I took apart my battery box to try to hook up two additional batteries, to try to get some speed out of my scooter only to find out there's no room in there for anything! That's a major bummer! I priced what another scooter that can go just a little faster than mine and the cost was over $4.000! I guess I'll still try to brainstorm a way to connect two additional batteries up! Just if I could get two mph I'd be happy! Gutta make some dinna now :)!


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