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2.9.15 around 1pm

The YMCA canceled all programs and the partnership program was too cause of this snow that doesn't seem to have an end in sight! That created problems for me cause I had an appointment with my podiatrist after the YMCA! I had to call and cancel that and my foot is really bothering me! The good thing is I was able to receive a call from another doctor about an appointment tomorrow that I didn't have in my pocket calendar! I'm getting shots of Botox tomorrow! That helps my muscle tone! I was able to call "the ride" to book a trip there but I had to go from hics to Braintree rehab and the web site won't let me change an address from a round trip booking! I had to call them so they could do it on their computer! I've just gutta keep checking my trips cause I really think sometimes they change all by themselves!


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