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11.25.14 around 6pm

I've been to hics today! I'm having difficulty remembering what happened though, go figure :). I do remember we had one group where we discussed  how we can still lead a successful life by using strategies! Like a pocket calendar for dates and times of events and appointments! Some of us like me have writing issues that's where my online calendar helps me! I've always got some kind of device on me where I can excess my online calendar! Weather it be my desktop, one of my laptops, my tablet, then last resort my cell phone! We have got to admit to ourselves we are having issues with something, which can be hard to do, then use are mind to think of ways to  still get the task done! I've always been able to do this sort of thing cause I remember being in therapy and physically trying to accomplish a specific task and if it didn't work the therapist would say "try it another way"! The therapist would suggest other ways I could get the same result then let me figure out the rest! I know my limitations but I also know my strengths! I guess that makes me a veteran survivor! Oh yeah we also had to decide on groups for next quarter! Someone suggested a writing group. I was all for that group! I can't tell you how frustrating it is not being able to write legibly! Hopefully    this group will force me to practice my writing shills! Some days my writing is legible but most days it is far from it! I've tried writing with my left hand,it felt very awkward with the same result :(! This will be a good group cause the staff will research ways to help survivors again write then implement in a group setting :)!   


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