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11.12.14 around 3.50pm

I just got in from the YMCA! I've got to take notice of the times "the ride" gets me back from the YMCA cause today if I was going to hics tonight it wouldn't have worked! I changed my time I go to the YMCA on Wednesday from 1pm to 12pm cause they didn't get me home before my pick up time to go to hics! Now they're having trouble getting me home in time even after that! I worked with KC on getting the times to work but I was gonna try  3.15 pick up time from here to hics and today that wouldn't have worked! Wait, we've got it figured out! I take "the ride" directly to the places I can, 3.15 pick up time for in house events,then an arrival time for 4pm on a van trip and I Won't do the YMCA on those days, geesh!


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