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11.10.14 around 10.30am

There is so much information I must be able to process on a daily basis its a wonder this tbi survivor not only can do it but keep track of what I did! I was going to the YMCA but then realized I needed something at the store .With daylight savings time gone now its really not a good idea to scoot anywhere in the dark, its not safe! I was faced with a decision this morning, todays plans were, YMCA then my homemaker at 4pm! Then something unexpected comes up, needing an item at the store! Then I've  got to think of whats more important, prioritize what is needed more! My homemaker is washing my bed sheets today and doing the rest of my laundry, which really needs to be done so that's a priority, I've got hics tomorrow so no time to scoot tomorrow so although going to the gym is important for my health I decided that would be the trip I cancel today! I'm running low on funds in my checking account too so I've also get to take that into consideration! My balance on my "the ride" account looks okay plus today's trips being canceled puts another $6 back! So after careful consideration I  think this tbi survivor made the right decision :)! So today's plans are now scoot to the store then my homemaker, Michaela coming at 4pm! This tbi survivor gets tired after all this thinking! 


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