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11.23.14 around 2pm

After peapod came I had to go with Lisa to Walmart so she could return the tablet I got for her! She liked it but no internet connection down on the ground floor. I had to go cause I used my card to make the purchase! Then I wanted some things I forgot to get from peapod and I go to checkout and they again say "card denied"! I  remember having trouble purchasing batteries for my scooter too! The bank asked me questions I couldn't remember then they asked "did you try to get something from new something?" Then I remembered it was Nu-life I tried  to get the batteries from! After all this Bs I finally got my card reinstated! Lisa also offered to stop at D&D's but at this point I was too mentally exhausted! Now I'm thinking maybe I should try again to get the batteries! I've gutta stop and clear my head first too much information going through this tbi survivors brain right now to do anything! I think there is a Pats game on today, that will help mightily!  


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