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11.19.14 after 9.30am

My mind has been wandering as it always seems to do and I've been thinking about all the tbi's I had over the years! My 1st one when I was 5 yrs old! I was about to start kindergarten and we had these old buildings in our back yard in Scituate that the people who lived there before used to have chickens in! We called them "chicken coups"!It was a great place to play growing up but yet very dangerous! They were falling apart and we climbed  all over them, on the roof and all through the inside! One day I was up on the roof and a board I was standing on gave way and I fell through banging my  head on the way down! I got five stiches in my head and old doc Miles said I had a concussion! That was when you used to call the doctor and he would make a house call to you! My long term memory is very much intact!


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