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1.7.15 after 8.50am

Today I've got trips planed to go to the YMCA then tonight I'm meeting hics at Chilies restaurant in Braintree Mass for dinna and planning for next month! I noticed my "ride" account's cash value wasn't  at a comfortable level for me, so I again added just $18 enough for six trips! I've always got 2 or 3 tabs open on my explorer! One so I can check my trips cause it's not that I forget my pick up times it's just I'm unsure if my memory is correct! My bank so I can track my transactions and my social network, fb!   I've also gutta call my dentist to make sure of my upcoming  appointments! It's a good thing I'm a hard worker cause it's hard work running a successful independent  life when you've got a traumatic brain injury but, I'm doing outstanding :)!


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