The storm is well underway now! I couldn't find any of my flashlights and very few candles so I've gutta think they wouldn't be necessary anyway! Later tonight they are saying 3-6 inches of snow an hour! The YMCA is closing tomorrow and they say "check the web site to get further details"! That's great but what if the power goes out? I loose my modem and router! I've then gutta use my Iphone. I've gutta be able to check to see if the YMCA will open on Wednesday! Its amazing how we've grown to be dependent on the internet! I had to reschedule my colonoscopy again cause of a dental appointment on the same day! Now not only is my lower right quadrant causing me discomfort the upper right is too! My periodontics disease is starting to cause my teeth to loose seating on the bone in my gums leaving the nerves exposed, OUCH!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!