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1.6.14 after 6.30pm

I've been to hics and the dentist today! I have no clue as to what went on at his cause my concentration got so altered at the dentist! They said I didn't have an appointment for today! I'm very good at making sure of all my appointments and I had someone there write it in my pocket calendar! I had saved the card they gave me with the date and time too! Im right on this but still they didn't have it! I was able to see a dentist anyway and got my fillings! I asked for another scrip for the pain med too and got it :)! Got home and checked my email  and there was a mail from KJ  wanting to move our home visit from Wednesday to Friday! I depend on email a lot! Especially for things such as this! I've created a KJ folder on my yahoo mail program! Everything in one form or another is about me! They are all important so when I forget things we've discussed I can always go to the "KJ folder" and read it again! This tbi survivor doesn't want to be anything but successful in leading a totally independent life :)!


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