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1.25.15 after 3.30pm

Jan was over and got her leather coat she left here the last time she was here. I needed to go to the store and get some things cause of the impending storm! I really didn't have time to scoot there so Jan and Shawnie drove me to the store and now I'm stress free :)! I've got all my rechargeable items charging now cause of the possibility of loosing electricity. My cell rang and what an issue it was to answer the call! The cords get wrapped around the legs of my chair! They end up falling and getting disconnected! I was able to answer the call finally, it was Lux dental reminding me of an appointment on Tuesday. I can't do hics on Tuesday cause of this or Thursday cause I've got an appointment  with Shannon to get my pump refilled! I've checked my trips for the week and they all look good now but sometimes it seems they change without me doing anything at all! That's why I must keep a close eye on them!


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