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1.27.15 before noon

This tbi survivor gets overwhelmed at when things happen so quickly! I've had dealings with two neighbors this morning! One called and asked if I needed anything then left his phone number, I needed to create a notepad file on that cause of my writing issues while working on this another one comes knocking and wants something I forget what but he opens a closet door and the knob falls off! All this goes on and I've got to remember things that was said to me by both! One of them Danny, I asked him if he had a flashlight cause I couldn't find any of mine! Danny brought me over a flashlight to use in case we loose power! Lisa also called from her mothers to make sure I was okay! I guess trying to live life the way Jesus showed us has its benefits! It seems everyone in my building shows concern as to my well being :)! The only thing is my brain can't take everything happening so fast!


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