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1.14.15 around 4pm

No calls back from the moving company yet, I've got an email address maybe that's a better way to get a ballpark price on moving my tools from Scituate to Holbrook! My foot was causing me way too much discomfort to even attempt to do the YMCA today, Friday no matter how much pain I'm in I'm going to the YMCA! I completed my monthly Walmart order of household needs! I needed to get a phone system (cordless) that works not only in the living room but the bedroom as well! These Emerson phones don't work well at all! I bought  a V-tech phone system for under $20. ! The volume didn't even work well with the Emerson so I'm hopping for a vast improvement! I did a peapod order last week so I'm gonna wait to do another! My check did come through so I've gutta pay all my bills but I've already paid one! This frivolous spender always pays himself first! I used to make a considerable amount less than I do now so every month I take all that's over $2,000 and transfer over to savings! I've usually got to transfer some back after paying rent but this tbi survivor is living well within his means! You could just say I'm living very, very well :)!     


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