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Showing posts from January, 2015


After slipping and sliding a few times bringing my trash out to the dumpster I thought against trying a scoot to the store! I'll keep my trips  to Wg's I booked this morning! Living with a tbi is so hard especially when you live alone! I've got to have a lot of strategies in place if I'm gonna be successful! My online calendar is a prime example! My brain injury left me so I couldn't  write so I use a online calendar! I just synchronized my pocket calendar and my online one! I noticed some discrepancies between the two! Mainly over a colonoscopy I'm gonna be having! I logged on to and still I was confused! Then I went to www.myhealthonline and got the dates and times I need! After I got the information I needed I brought my online calendar up to date! There are so many things this tbi survivor must do to be successful and I'm doing them :)!

1.31.15 11am-12pm

I'm gonna go out later and do a trash run and survey the snow removal then decide weather to attempt scooting to the store! I booked trips to and from Wg's   here in Holbrook just in case the sidewalks are still not scootable! The worst road to try to negotiate is technical  park drive! The sidewalk along it has potholes and big bumps! Get that covered with snow and ice and it's even more challenging !

1.30.15 around 5.30pm

I had a great workout at the YMCA! I did 350lb on the leg press for the 2nd time but this time I concentrated on my form! That's a lot of weight and the 1st time all I could do was try and get through all 12 repetitions! Today I not only got through all 12 but showed good form in doing so :) ! I checked out the sidewalk and conditions of Technical park drive on the way to and from the YMCA and the sidewalks seem passible but Tpk dr seemed way too slushy to attempt to scoot anywhere right now so in preparation for these kind of issues I placed a Peapod order yesterday that's coming btw 6-8pm tonight! Hopefully that improves cause I feel trapped not even being able to scoot to the store :(!  

1.30.15 around 11.30am

KJ has been over for our home visit and one of the most important tasks we were able to get done, finding the serial number to my scooter! This was important cause now when I order parts for it and they ask me for it, I got it :)! I created a file with the numbers on it, it's just easier for me to look up a digital file than to go to my file draw and attempt to sift through all my paperwork! That's way too much bending over and stretching and reaching for this balance impaired tbi survivor!  Now I'm off to the YMCA :).

1.29.15 around 11pm

Tomorrow KJ makes a home visit then I'm going to the YMCA for my weight lifting! The new machines are real cool! You set up how many lbs of resistance you want and its created by air pressure! I'm learning how to set up the seating positions now! Soon I'll be able to do it all myself :)!

1.29.15 7.30-8am

Today I'm going to dr. Koebel's office to see Shannon for a pump refill! I'm still amazed at how she can take a needle, go through my stomach and find the small hole that the med goes in, amazing!

1.28.15 aftter 1.30pm

I just had an incredibly lucky scoot to the store! We got lots of snow and the snow removal has got to take some time but you know me, I believe I can do it all! I didn't even get off the walkway to my building before getting stuck the first time! Then I tried to find a sidewalk and they are all buried so I tried the road and kept getting stuck, tried pushing my scooter a way then I met Anthony! He was making a delivery in the area and stopped, saw I was having problems, asked me where I was going, and offered me a ride to the store! God bless Anthony, If it wasn't for him I'd still be trying to complete my journey! Snow sux when you've gutta live like I do, although I try to be as independent as I can, it is very hard to problem solve ways to satisfy every need that comes up! We're supposed to get more snow too, yikes!

1.28.15 before noon

I've gutta scoot just to the store! The sun is shinning bright, I hoping that helps make it clear on the sidewalks and on Tpk dr. I'm confident in my battery power to slip and slide a bit so I know its gonna be a good scoot. I just hope they put lots of chemical down on the places I gutta scoot!

1.27.15 around 8.30pm

Ali from the YMCA left me a vm saying the YMCA is closed tomorrow :(!So I immediately canceled my trips to and from the YMCA:(! They're saying tomorrow is gonna be sunny then the snow starts again! Sounds like I'll have a chance to scoot just to the store! I hope the snow removal around here is good enough to make it there without getting stuck! If I do I've got confidence in my ability to get myself unstuck! I've pushed my scooter halfway there and home before so I'm sure I can handle any issues that could arise! 

1.17.15 after 5.30

I was thinking of taking a little scoot outside to see the affects of the blizzard of "15" had on my building but it's too dark out now to be able to see anything at all! Its so reassuring to know people that live in my building are concerned about my well being! I do very well on my own but it's great that others make sure I'm okay!One of them had mentioned they would like a computer! I offered him my older laptop but he was hemming and hawing about the price I wanted for it! I think I bought it in "05 or 6" and I want $150 for it! Its a Dell and although it's older now I think it's a fair price! He's got a tbi too and I believe computers help us survivors in so many ways so I said he could have it for$100. Sill not ready to fork over the cash so I've got this tablet I bought from Wal-Mart that I haven't  used much so I said he could buy this for what I paid for it $25. He is gonna buy the tablet! I'll have to show him how to use...

1.27.15 before noon

This tbi survivor gets overwhelmed at when things happen so quickly! I've had dealings with two neighbors this morning! One called and asked if I needed anything then left his phone number, I needed to create a notepad file on that cause of my writing issues while working on this another one comes knocking and wants something I forget what but he opens a closet door and the knob falls off! All this goes on and I've got to remember things that was said to me by both! One of them Danny, I asked him if he had a flashlight cause I couldn't find any of mine! Danny brought me over a flashlight to use in case we loose power! Lisa also called from her mothers to make sure I was okay! I guess trying to live life the way Jesus showed us has its benefits! It seems everyone in my building shows concern as to my well being :)! The only thing is my brain can't take everything happening so fast!

1.26.15 around 8pm

The storm is well underway now! I couldn't find any of my flashlights and very few candles so I've gutta think they wouldn't be necessary anyway! Later tonight they are saying 3-6 inches of snow an hour! The YMCA is closing tomorrow and they say "check the web site to get further details"! That's great but what if the power goes out? I loose my modem and  router! I've then gutta use my Iphone. I've gutta be able to check to see if the YMCA will open on Wednesday! Its amazing how we've grown to be dependent on the internet! I had to reschedule my colonoscopy again cause of a dental appointment on the same day! Now not only is my lower right quadrant causing me discomfort the upper right is too! My periodontics disease is starting to cause my teeth to loose seating on the bone in my gums leaving the nerves exposed, OUCH!  

1.26.15 after 2.30pm

I didn't do the YMCA cause I had to make sure I've got all I need for the impending blizzard! Only thing I've got left to do is find my flashlights! I should probably find the right kind of batteries too! That should be easy cause I keep all my batteries in the same place! Its just me and finding things doesn't usually work well :(! My homemaker is still due at 4pm. Hics canceled all activities for the whole week and KJ is gonna make a home visit on Friday.  

1.26.14 after 8.30am

I had a scare this morning, I couldn't find my lifeline pendant! I found it underneath my desk! I either took it off at my desk or it fell off around there! Problem solved though, I got it :)! I've got the YMCA this morning for swimming and weight lifting :)! The storm is supposed to hit us tomorrow, my dentist already canceled my appointment and its probably not a good idea to go to hics! Lisa is gonna ride the storm out at her mothers house in Braintree!

1.25.15 after 8.50pm

I finally made fettuccini alfredo   for dinna tonight! I tried to take some pics and  did but I used my Iphone and when I download them, I can never find them! I also tried posting right from my Iphone and still it didn't work! Tomorrow I've got the YMCA for swimming and weight lifting! My gum pain seems okay I just wish my foot felt better! I've gutta get out tomorrow cause if this storm is anywhere what they say it's gonna be I won't be getting out much after Tuesday!

1.25.15 after 6.10pm

They're saying this storm is gonna be he worst we've had in years! I survived the blizzard of "78" though so I can't imagine anything worse than that storm was! I'm prepared for it though, got food, candles,smokes, got laundry all done today too! 

1.25.15 after 3.30pm

Jan was over and got her leather coat she left here the last time she was here. I needed to go to the store and get some things cause of the impending storm! I really didn't have time to scoot there so Jan and Shawnie drove me to the store and now I'm stress free :)! I've got all my rechargeable items charging now cause of the possibility of loosing electricity. My cell rang and what an issue it was to answer the call! The cords get wrapped around the legs of my chair! They end up falling and getting disconnected! I was able to answer the call finally, it was Lux dental reminding me of an appointment on Tuesday. I can't do hics on Tuesday cause of this or Thursday cause I've got an appointment  with Shannon to get my pump refilled! I've checked my trips for the week and they all look good now but sometimes it seems they change without me doing anything at all! That's why I must keep a close eye on them!

124.15 after 12.30am

I got kinda busy researching the exploits of the outlaws mc club! It fascinates me cause the club I was trying to get in was outlaw sponsored! While an in patient at Braintree rehab many of the Brockton chapter's members came to see me and scared the nurses big time :)! 

1.23.15 after 8.20pm

I can't afford to loose any more teeth! I just had a hard time chewing my food I had for dinner! I could have saved the last one I had taken out but that would have meant asking to withdraw money from MY trust and I just can't take the emotional pain of being refused to get at MY money! 

1.23.15 after 5.15pm

I didn't do the YMCA today cause I let the pain I'm feeling get the better of me :(! My foot pain I can find a way to deal with but my gum pain I can't deal with at all! So I scooted to Wg's and got some more Anbesol! That stuff is expensive,almost $10. for a little tube! Gum pain or tooth pain is the worst tough! This in the only thing that at least gives me some kind of relief! I got some quick and easy dinnas,I was running low on a med too so I had them fill that too. Crestor is doing so well keeping my cholesterol level in check I don't want to miss one day on this! I got home and checked my bank accounts and noticed my checking account getting near to the amount I pay for rent! I don't like doing this before I pay rent but I transferred $200. over from my savings! I've gutta do my best to not do it again after rent is deducted from my account!

1.21.15 after 12.30pm

I had a great appointment with my neurologist this morning! He did his normal thorough exam, check reflexes, vision, tone, strength, cognition, then memory tests!  I did well on the memory tests too! He would say numbers and have me say them right back to him. Then in reverse order in which he said. Then he did the test where he would alternate my concentration while trying to remember five words! I did very well on this today! I remembered four without any hints but I did need a hint on one! That's so much fetter than I usually do though, before I can remember needing hints on two or more! I remembered the things I wanted to discuss with him too! I asked if he knew of the benefits of medical marijuana and brain injury. He said there were mixed reviews, some good and some bad! I said I've been following the journey of Debbie Wilson and it helped her with trauma induced epilepsy ! She hasn't had a seizure since starting the med! I asked i...

1.20.15 7.30-8pm

Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my neurologist! I always seem to get mentally exhausted after seeing him! The memory tests he performs on me really wipe me out! The reason being I try with all I have to do well on these tests! This tbi survivor wants to get the best of this Gb tbi!

1.20.15 around 6.30pm

I've been thinking of ways to hype out  my scooter, make  go faster! I have the batteries I bought before! I'm thinking of taking my older batteries and somehow connecting four batteries up! I've  gutta think   should I connect them in a series or a parallel connection! I've gutta make sure the scooter can handle more speed too. I'm looking on for battery cables cause if I decide to go parallel they have to be heavy gauge wire! 


UPS finally showed up last night around 6pm! I got my Walmart order which consisted of a ten port usb hub so I can connect all my computer peripherals at the same time! Also a long distance Wi-Fi  antenna! I've gutta be positive, I'm sure this will work to get Lisa connected to a wireless network! That's me though, I don't know how to give up on things :)!

1.20.15 before 10am

I didn't do hics this morning cause of a head cold that has me all stuffed up! It's breaking up now but it leaves me with a nose that acts like a water fall! I've got to think of ways to get my tools from Scituate to Holbrook! I'm not getting a lot of cooperation from the people I need to so I've got to think of alternative measures! I'm thinking of asking Lisa, if I rent a truck and pay for gas not only for the truck but her car to get the truck would she drive the truck to pick up my tools! They are heavy but I used to move them around myself before my tbi! I'm sure if I get a two wheel dolly I'll be able to get them where I want! Lisa is very cooperative with me and always wants to help! I'm sure if she can she will! 

1.19.15 after 3.30pm

I've waited all day for UPS to deliver a package they emailed me and said was coming today! I've tracked the order and it says "on the truck for delivery", it's now after 3.30pm! I don't think the drivers work past 4pm! I've gone down and checked if a slip was left downstairs and nothing!

1.19.15 around noon

I didn't do the YMCA today cause I got two emails from UPS saying I'm gonna get a package delivered today! You know my luck with deliveries, I wanted to make sure to get it! Lisa is in and out all day today and one of her trips is to pick up a med at Wg's for me! My ID is expired and for this med I've gutta show it before it's filled and after! You can see why I do what I can to help Lisa! I believe in treating people how they treat you! Lisa is always showing concern of how I'm doing and if I need anything at all! You can see why I do what I can for her cause she does what she can for me! I've got a great friend in Lisa :)!

1.18.15 before noon

I got up this morning and had just one large cup of coffee then without even showering scooted to the store! I heard of impending pm showers so it was imperative I get that done 1st thing! I remembered to change a $20 so I could put value on my laundry card but scooted right by the office on the way home! I had to go back and do that! I had my normal issues with the laundry card machine taking my bills but eventually it took a $10. bill so I can do laundry today! Now to enjoy a 2nd cup of coffee :)!  

1.17.15 aftter 2.30pm

Peapod finally arrived with my order :)! This poor guy had to call me a few times cause he couldn't find my building! I've said to management many times the signage in here is bad! The numbers labeling the buildings is so tiny its a wonder anyone can find it! I got all my stuff away, still having my issues with freezer space though but it's all away! I had to put some freezer items in the fridge for now but just things like lean pockets and such! As space becomes available in the freezer I'll transfer them over:)!  

1.17.15 after noon

A great quote I shared on my fb page "its hard to explain what's going on in your head when you don't understand it yourself"!Living with traumatic brain injury, there is so much you no longer understand :(!

1.17.15 after 10am

I'm waiting for Peapod to arrive with my s&s order! It's supposed to arrive btw 10am and 12pm! Then comes finding homes for all the stuff although I don't think I got too much stuff to go in the freezer which is usually my main problem!


I was finally able to locate a battery pack for my scooter at a site I've had good luck with getting parts for my scooter! It costs $330 though! It comes with two batteries though! I put it in my cart on the site! Between that and an additional charger I'm up over $400 on that site. I've got the $ now to get it but I can't justify getting this and a 10 speed! I've gutta be real and purchase  what would be more useful for me now! Another battery pack would double the distance I can scoot! I'm gonna mull this over but I'm leaning to word the batter pack! 

1.16.15 after 5.20pm

I scooted to Wg's and am very impressed with these Interstate batteries! The name brand of the ones I purchased just before these was "MK" I know now not to get that brand! I found what discrepancy in my pocket calendar with my dental appointments was and landlined Lux dental and got strait on my appointments, no confusion now :)! 

1.16.15 after 11.30am

I'm angry with myself, I let the pain in my toe get the upper hand and canceled going to the YMCA today :(! I did make sure they were open on Monday, MLK day! I think I'm gonna scoot to Wg's today and get some things I couldn't locate  at the S&S web site. It's a balmy 30 degrees out today not too cold to take a scoot!

1.15.15 after 8.45pm

I ended out the day by paying the IRS my monthly installment, cashing out on a monthly Walmart order, submitting a peapod order! Tomorrow I've got the YMCA and although my foot is causing me great pain I gutta suck it up and force my way out the door!

1.15.15 after 5.15

I've been to hics today only to come home and learn about what the protesters did today on rt3! I'm a firm supporter of free speech and the right to protest but I draw the line when it causes hardship to innocent people! What was done today was utterly discuss ting!

1.14.15 after 8pm

I spent most of this afternoon paying all my bills! I got them all except for the IRS! That's my largest payment of the month, next to rent! My Comcast and Verizon bills together don't equal the amount the IRS Wants! I had a bit of scare, my lifeline was lost! I ended up finding it on the carpet near my door! I guess it could be worse! Tomorrow I'm going to hics if something strange doesn't happen !

1.14.15 around 4pm

No calls back from the moving company yet, I've got an email address maybe that's a better way to get a ballpark price on moving my tools from Scituate to Holbrook! My foot was causing me way too much discomfort to even attempt to do the YMCA today, Friday no matter how much pain I'm in I'm going to the YMCA! I completed my monthly Walmart order of household needs! I needed to get a phone system (cordless) that works not only in the living room but the bedroom as well! These Emerson phones don't work well at all! I bought  a V-tech phone system for under $20. ! The volume didn't even work well with the Emerson so I'm hopping for a vast improvement! I did a peapod order last week so I'm gonna wait to do another! My check did come through so I've gutta pay all my bills but I've already paid one! This frivolous spender always pays himself first! I used to make a considerable amount less than I do now so every month I take all that's over $2,000 ...

1.14.15 before noon

KJ was here for a home visit and we tried to contact movers that move things for the disabled! I've got to get my tools moved from Scituate to Holbrook! Try to get anyone to answer a phone today! It doesn't matter who you try to call now, everyplace seems to go to voice mail in these times! I left a message to call me then it will go to my vm, the game of vm tag is then on! Now I gutta scoot to the store.

1.13.15 after 9.30am

It was getting to be 15 mins past my pick up time so I called "the ride" and they said it got canceled! I'm constantly checking the web site for my times but I'm very careful as to not click on something I don't want to! I guess I must have though! Needless to say I'm not gonna be going to hics today :(! 


Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the YMCA to first swim laps then after lift weights! I'm gonna stick with leg pressing 350lb for now, maybe next week I'll start going up on it to reach my 400 lb goal!

1.11.15 around noon

Peapod is supposed to be here btw now and 1pm! They have never stiffed me so they WILL be here! I do gutta scoot to the store and pick up something I can't get through peapod! Its warm compared to yesterday, it's a balmy 31 degrees out :)! My mouth pain has got a lot better the Anbesole and Oragel seem to handle it all well :)!

1.10.15 2.30-3pm

I scooted to Wg's and was able to fill my scrip myself! The man was behind the counter and I told him first my ID is expired, he said "that's alright" and filled the script! The woman told me last time she would do it that time but not again! I got a few quick and easy things I can nuke up too and of coarse some peanut butter M&M's! My scooter's power level never moved past fully charged too :)!  I guess the script only said three tablets! That's okay cause I got some anbesol gel and some other topical thing that said for gum pain! I didn't have to get much food cause I have peapod bringing an order tomorrow I forget when but I've got the confirmation email to remind me :)!

1.9.15 around 11pm

This sux! The pain is so much in the socket my tooth was pulled from is making it so I can't sleep :( ! Lisa is gonna get my pain med tomorrow, I need more anbesol too! Orajel is keeping me from screaming right now but I ran out of Anbesol and that's better! 

1.8.15 after 2.30pm

I just cleaned up the mess from getting sick today! It wasn't too bad but when you have balance problems its hard to scrub everything up well! I almost didn't make it to the toilet so I had to bend over and scrub the floor too!

1.8.14 after 1.30pm

I was awakened early this morning by sickness! I lost last nights dinna! I still feel as though at any minuet I could have to do it again so needless to say it wasn't wise to do hics today :(! Way too cold outside to scoot anywhere so I guess I'm stuck inside :)! 

1.7.15 after 7.30pm

I've had a great day! First I started out making sure of all my up coming dentist appointments! I went to the YMCA and leg pressed 350lb 12 controlled repetitions! Do you think I can do 400lb? I think that sounds like a goal :)! I'm gonna stay at 350 just for now then gradually work my way to 400lbs :)! Not bad for a 56yr old brain injury survivor! I also learned that Ali McMinn has become the partnership program director! Ali was one of the first people I worked with! Congrads go out to Ali :)! Tonight was a great time at Chillies in Braintree! I scanned the whole menu and couldn't  find what I wanted so time to ask the waitress if they can make an order not on  the menu! I got a bacon swiss cheese burger :)!

1.7.15 after 8.50am

Today I've got trips planed to go to the YMCA then tonight I'm meeting hics at Chilies restaurant in Braintree Mass for dinna and planning for next month! I noticed my "ride" account's cash value wasn't  at a comfortable level for me, so I again added just $18 enough for six trips! I've always got 2 or 3 tabs open on my explorer! One so I can check my trips cause it's not that I forget my pick up times it's just I'm unsure if my memory is correct! My bank so I can track my transactions and my social network, fb!   I've also gutta call my dentist to make sure of my upcoming  appointments! It's a good thing I'm a hard worker cause it's hard work running a successful independent  life when you've got a traumatic brain injury but, I'm doing outstanding :)!

1.6.14 after 6.30pm

I've been to hics and the dentist today! I have no clue as to what went on at his cause my concentration got so altered at the dentist! They said I didn't have an appointment for today! I'm very good at making sure of all my appointments and I had someone there write it in my pocket calendar! I had saved the card they gave me with the date and time too! Im right on this but still they didn't have it! I was able to see a dentist anyway and got my fillings! I asked for another scrip for the pain med too and got it :)! Got home and checked my email  and there was a mail from KJ  wanting to move our home visit from Wednesday to Friday! I depend on email a lot! Especially for things such as this! I've created a KJ folder on my yahoo mail program! Everything in one form or another is about me! They are all important so when I forget things we've discussed I can always go to the "KJ folder" and read it again! This tbi survivor doesn't want to be anything ...

1.5.15 after 3pm

I just did something unusual for me! I just made myself a little lunch! This was a Kraft mac&cheese that comes in a plastic tub and all you do is add water up to the line then nuke it for 3.5 minuets, stir in the powder and its done! I guess I could substitute milk for water to make it more cheesy but not too bad! I'm gonna get more of this, my milk always seems to be pasted the expiration date! This is a good meal for me :)!  

1.5.15 around 1pm

I scooted to Wg's and the store and the power gauge on my scooter didn't budge off full power :)! I now have the confidence to leave my charger home when I take my scooter for a whole day:)! Michaela, my homemaker, is due around 4pm! This is the week I have her wash my bed sheets so I didn't do laundry yesterday cause I'm too Froogle to waste money on laundry! 

1.5.15 after 8.50am

My gums are in way too much pain to try and exercise in any form today :(!I even had to start the day by popping a pain med! I do have to muster up the energy to scoot to Wg's or at least the store cause I hear after today it's gonna get bone chilling cold out! My homemaker comes at 4pm too!

1.4.15 after 8.20pm

I've spent a lot of this weekend hanging with Lisa :)! Last night we ordered out for dinna and she brought over a banana cake! Similar to banana bread only with frosting too :)! I've still got a good size piece left :)! Then she was over today  for a while :)! Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA to swim laps then do my weights! I want to leg press 350lb 12 repetitions tomorrow! I'm still getting some discomfort from my tooth being extracted and my foot is bothering me but I must work through the pain!

1.4.15 after 3.50pm

I posted earlier I added $18 to my ride account, In reality that's only enough for three ROUND trips! At $3 per trip a round trip would be $6!  3x6=18 That's what it's like living with tbi! You get confused over the simplest things!

1.4.15 around 10am

The area my tooth was extracted is still causing me quite a bit of discomfort! I've only got three teeth left in my lower right quadrant! That is another reason I NEEDED to do what I wanted with MY trust! If I was  I would have been able to save the tooth! I know best what my needs are and I'm thinking now the dispute is still active, maybe I should have complete control of all MY money! I've got another dentist appointment on Tuesday I can't afford to loose anymore teeth!  

1.3.15 around 6pm

I booked most of my trips for next week, in doing so I noticed my account was getting low on funds! I put a large amount in when my check gets deposited so I just added $18 to it, enough for six round trips!  

1.3.15 after 4pm

Lisa went and got my pain med for me this morning :)! I've gutta get to the registry to get a valid ID! I'm still getting quite a bit of pain from my tooth extraction! Hopefully between the pain med and Anbesole I can do the YMCA tomorrow!

1.2.15 around 12.30pm

I've been to Lux dental to have my tooth extracted and the jury is still out on this one! This lady didn't want to pull my tooth! I can't afford big dental bills and I'm unable to get at MY money in MY trust so the only way to get pain free is to pull the Gb thing! It is giving me a lot of pain now I've taken a pain med but I NEED more of the med! Lisa said she would get a script filed for me if I needed it, I think I'm  gonna take her up on this offer ! This has taken a lot out of me so I'm not gonna be able to do the YMCA today :(! There were times today, at the dentist information was coming at me too fast and I had to say I'm not getting what your saying a few times, I think what they tried to get across to me was that I need fillings on some other teeth but I'm not sure at all! I do remember having it written in my pocket calendar of upcoming appointments! I think I called Lisa and left a vm asking if she would  get my med for me but I can't...

1.1.15 after 9.30pm

I won't have time to blog tomorrow morning cause my pick up time to go to the dentist is 7am! Tomorrows plans are the dentist then the YMCA ! I've got a 7am pick up time to go to my dentist! That means I've gutta be in the shower at 6am!

1.1.15 around 8pm

Lisa again is trying to connect to one of the wireless networks in this building! I let her try one of my wireless adaptors again! If she can connect with any kind of consistency I'll have join fb then all my fb friends can meet the lady who helps me so much here in the building :)!I discovered what the usb port on my printers purpose is! You connect a flash drive and you can print right from the flash drive :)! For the first time I was able to understand what my printer was saying on it's display without my desktop's help :)! 

1.1.15 after 7pm

I'm gonna attempt to do the YMCA after my dentist tomorrow! My return trip from the dentist is at 10.25am and my trip to the YMCA is at 12.30pm! I should have plenty of time to make my connections but this is "the ride" and "the ride" tends to make me pessimistic at times!  Tomorrow I want to try leg pressing 350lb 12 repetitions too :) ! 

1.1.2015 around 11am

My first blog of the new year! I guess you could say I'm addicted to blogging but I really think this helps this tbi survivor in so many ways! It helps me to retain information that otherwise I would have lost being memory impaired! I have no need to see a psychologist cause I share my blog with fb and not only do I get all my thoughts and feelings out I get great advice from all my great fb friends! Today this survivor is thinking ahead to things coming up. Tomorrow I've got an appointment to get this nasty tooth extracted! So I'm thinking what if it causes me pain after they pull the nasty thing! I've had three pulled before and two of the three caused me no pain at all but the first one caused me great pain and they said at Wg's my ID was expired and would fill a scrip this ones time but not again till I renew my ID! There is no time to do that before my procedure so I'm just gonna have to rely on Anbesol and Tylenol to relieve any after affects! I've gut...