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5.4.15 around 7.30am

My left middle finger is still causing me a great deal of pain :(! I  even had to struggle to pour a cup of coffee! I didn't sleep well at all cause of this God blessed finger! I've gutta get out this morning and scoot to the store. My homemaker is due at 4pm so I do have time! The scooter was reading full charge this morning without connecting it to the charger last night! I don't ever want to be out and run out of juice so I put it on while I get ready this morning! It does say DO NOT OVERCHARGE HE BATTERIES! I don't think for a little while this morning will be overcharging them! I've still got so much to learn about this but I'm learning, I just hope I can get it out of the building without damaging it! I spoke with Lisa last night and she said she was gonna come up tonight and try to help super glue the pieces hat broke off yesterday, darn shakes, I've been able to get one piece sged on! I'll see if they have sg at the store too, I've got some but I've gutta be sure I've got enough! So, no YMCA today, darn finger, homemaker at 4pm, scoot to the store as soon as I get ready!


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