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5.28.15 around 9.30am

I got a tension headache last night and that wiped me out to do anything today! It's not as bad as a migraine but I didn't sleep well at all! Needless to say I can't do hics today I've gutta rest up! I did take a migraine med last night to fight it! When I 1st got prescribed this med, my pcp said whenever you feel a headache coming on take one! That's what I did! When I get a full blown migraine the only relief I get is when I make myself throw up! Thankfully that wasn't the case! Its gone now I just feel a little spacey! As time passes I'm feeling better and better! I just needed to ease in to the day! When the fog around my head lifts and goes away I'm thinking of scooting on my new scooter to D&D's but I've gutta be careful of my cash flow! I haven't checked it yet today but I'm pretty sure I'm okay with cash! I think ahead of what I will need cash for in the next days and all I can think of is my after workout treat after my workout tomorrow! Going to the YMCA tomorrow is of upmost importance not going Monday (holiday) and Wednesday (ride times)!    


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