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5.29.15 around 8am

I slept very well last night! What a difference a day makes! I've got the YMCA today! I've gutta speak with Ali today about my Wednesday ride issues! I'm thinking if I be at the YMCA at 11am on Wednesdays their shouldn't be any issues with pick up times having to be at hics at 4pm! I book an arrival time of 11am then a return of 12.15 pm then an arrival time for 4pm at hics! "The ride" should be able to get me home before 2pm then have time to clean up and change my workout cloths and get ready to go out! When I first started Wednesday at the YMCA I was going at 1pm! Then I had to change that to 12pm! You would think that would have worked but NOT with "the ride"! They seem to always have to many pick ups and drop offs when I've got to be home for another ride! The know where their drivers are at all times cause of GPS! This outfit NEXT though I believe is lacking in the common sense department! This tbi survivor that is supposed to not have good problem solving skills just figured out a way to solve his Wednesday ride problems :)!


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