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5.30.15 after 6pm

I've had a GREAT day ! I started by being free to do a good job trimming my beard then I scooted to Wg's using my new scooter and I was able to store all the items I got safely and securely under the seat :)! This scooter is lots of fun to ride :) It goes fast enough I not only can get to my destination quickly but catching the wind as I scoot! I'm getting great at all aspects of riding safely with this beast :)! I came home and did some cleaning and a trash run! I seem to use a new trash bag everyday, only cause I dump all my other trash bins in my largest bin! I made a batch of S&S mac and cheese, I might eat whats left later. I can make another batch tomorrow :)! I scheduled all my trips for next week! That is hard doing on line only cause everywhere I've been with "the ride" is saved and in my destinations! I've got to scroll through them all to try to find the right one! I see my pcp next week I've gutta tell him about my    angsioty issues! I don't want to have to do another med but this feeling anxious sux!


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