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10.8.14 after 6.50pm

Today has been a good day but yet kinda strange! Good cause KJ was over and we got Walmart to send out a replacement order for the one some low life ripped off here! I got my delivery from Dell the windows 7 cd I ordered! I went to the post office to get the package they said they have for me, Lisa drove me there only to find out they can't find what it was :( ! Then we stopped at  D&D's for linner and GREAT qt! I'm trying to install windows 7 on my newest notebook and its giving me many issues! The cd says on it "for distribution with a new pc"!I don't know if its for a pc that already was running windows 7 or since I'm kinda downgrading from windows 8 it needs other files! One thing for sure is it gets the squeaky wheels turning in this tbi survivors head! I WILL figure out whats happening or not happening! I've got my Walmart order coming too and with this there is another windows 7 cd! I just gutta make sure a low life here doesn't rip me off again! 


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