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10.27.14 around 11am

Too much was going through this tbi survivors mind he was on the brink of overload! I think I received notification that I need to recertify for my housing! This is very important so I called the office 1st thing this morning only to get voice mail! I left a voice mail but that doesn't help my confusion! I had trips planed to the YMCA but with this issue I thought it was best to resolve this before I could alternate my concentration anywhere, after all  this is my housing! My plans for today have changed to scooting to the office and finding out if I made an appointment, when, time, and  if not make one! I can put my devises to work too! I can either bring my tablet to make an entry in my online calendar or make a note on my Iphone or both! I think the Iphone is a better idea cause I don't need a wireless network to make it work! I guess to if I made a note on my tablet I wouldn't need the internet to do this! There has got to be some way to network all my devises so I could share files between them all! I know one time I tried to network my netbook and my desktop and I think one of my laptops together but I think that was with windows XP!I couldn't get them talking with each other! Then again that was when I lived in Scituate! That was a different wireless network! I've got complete control of MY wireless network here so maybe that is just what was missing :) ! People get paid good money to do this type of work for a living wouldn't it say something about my intelligence if I'm successful with this task :)!


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