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10.27.14 after 8.30pm

Tomorrow I'm meeting hics at Florian hall in Dorchester Ma. for hics annual conference! It's always a very informative event! This year we have Jeff Seball as a guest speaker! I suggested Jeff speak at our conference cause he knows what it is like living with a traumatic brain injury! I believe he can illustrate to the public how challenging it is to try and lead a successful life living with tbi cause he has done it and done it very well! After the speakers and we are done with all the great food that the hall provides for us. There are tables set up with all kinds of venders that have something to do with brain injury! I look at this to advocate for myself to! I know MRC will be one of the tables! I was promised when I got to a place where affordable transportation is my case will be reopened! I've been here for a while now! Lets do what you told me you would!   


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