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10.19.14 around 6pm

I just got in from a chilly scoot to Wg's! I'm just not ready to wear my coat that would be like giving in and saying the nice weather is behind us! I'm just not ready :)! I was able to purchase some ice cream but they didn't have any generic brands so I had to pay top dollar for Eddies vanilla! The good thing is if my throat catches on fire tonight, I've got something to put it out with :) ! I've gutta start planning Friday nights dinna! This is a chick I want to impress! Jan has been here for me since I was in high school and I'll never forget all the support and love she gave me so unselfishly  during and after I was comatose! She is such a great person! Not to mention a real knockout too! The beauty of this young lady is not just skin deep though! She is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!  


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