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10.28.13 after 4.15pm

I had a great time at our conference! In past conferences I would see people who worked with me along my journey but this year I saw many friends  (survivors) who I haven't seen in like forever! One survivor was there and he was my main reason for wanting Jeff to speak at the conference! MH would always say he wished he passed in his motorcycle accident I just hope Jeff got through to him today! He was similar to me before our tbi's. He was living the high life making a three figure salary selling drugs legally! He was a salesman for phizor phamasuiticals !He was a client at hics but his attitude of always wishing the worst didn't fit! I wish now I had remembered to introduce him to Jeff! We had another speaker too she talked about aging with brain injury! How we are more susceptible for other types of neurological disorders like dementia and all timers but she did say the best way to avoid getting there is by exercising regular and eating right! I exercise regular and I'm doing better on eating right! My last lab results were the best they have ever been so I'm doing something right! Lisa tells me constantly your cholesterol is good cause I'm taking Crestor to combat my high cholesterol    but even so its working :)!


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