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Showing posts from October, 2014

10.31.14 around 10pm

I started booking my trips for next week and noticed I'm gonna have to add more funds to me account! My checking account is getting low and I don't want to transfer money from my savings yet! I usually wait until my rent is withdrawn from my checking to do that! I did book all of them except for Wednesday rec trips! The MBTA should recognize the funds I added on Monday! I've gutta call to book that trip anyway cause it's not in my destinations! I've just gutta remember I've gutta do it! I'm not at all concerned about that at all! I've actually got a great memory! I'm told all the time by non-brain injured people that my memory is better than theirs :)!  

10.31.14 around 5pm

I've been to the YMCA and had a great workout! I'm still leg pressing 300lbs and I get to the 11th or 12th repetition and I can actually feel my muscles working :) but, I can still do it with ease! I saw Allie too and remembered to tell her I can't make it in on Monday cause I've gutta recertify my housing here at the office at noon! That's a big accomplishment for me!  I no sooner got in the door and my landline was ringing, it was Lisa canceling for tonight cause of back pain :(. I've seen more top heavy (large breasted) ladies develop back issues! I guess it can be a real problem :(! I just hope she can find some relief! 

10.31.14 around 10am

Today I've got trips planed to and from the YMCA! I'll continue leg pressing 300 lbs for a while then I want to add just a little at a time to see how far up I can go! Ive got to be careful though, I am gonna be 56 years young, I've got to be gentle with these tired muscles as they age! It would be very interesting to see how much I can actually push though! I'm going up on all the other machines and it still feels doable so why not! Tonight I'm hooking up with Lisa to go out to dinna at the halfway cafe' next to my apartment  complex for dinna and then there is a Halloween party there too! I want to take this pretty blond out to dinna too but she always insists on paying her own way! Maybe its just me being macho or something I just enjoy taking a pretty lady out and showing my appreciation for her wanting to spend time with me :)! 

10.30.14 after 9pm

Tomorrow I've got the YMCA to do then for Halloween night I'm hooking up with Lisa and we are going to the halfway café' for some dinna and they are having a Halloween party! They say karaoke too! :)     

10.30.14 after 8.20pm

I had hics today and I kinda accomplished the one task I wanted to! I went to D&D's alone but not without serious issues! I got there with no  problems,got what I wanted at D&D's,looked around for a store and couldn't find one! That was okay cause there is one right across the street from hics! Then I got lost tring to go back to hics. Somehow I ended up on Washington st. I asked passer bys how to get to Hancock st. Got pointed in the right direction but still needed things at a store! Then I remembered there was a poor excuse for a store right across the street from hics! So I leave the little mall and lost my way! I somehow ended up on Washington st. I asked passer bys how to get to Hancock st. Got pointed in the right direction and headed back! I still needed to get something at a store! Then I remembered there is a poor excuse for a store right across the street from hics so I head there. I see another survivor from hics at the store so I asked Dan if  I can go ...

10.29.14 after 10pm

So much has happened in this tbi survivors life today its a little overwhelming to try to remember exactly what has happened! My day started with KJ making a home visit! She was able to figure out the issues I've been having with my printer! It was far from an easy task though! I felt a little bad giving her what turned out to be a major project! I haven't tried printing something yet but there are no error messages on the printer :)! I've been to the YMCA and I've worked my way up to leg pressing 300 lbs 12 times! That's something to be proud of, I'm gonna be 56 yrs young leg pressing 300lbs! I'll do the 300 for about a month before I add even more on to the 300 :)! Tomorrow I've got hics! I've gutta scoot to D&D's near hics if I do it alone 1 time I will have it in my brain how to get there! There is a store near there too! I went to one store near hics tonight but they had basically nothing there!

10.29.14 around 10am

KJ has been over for our weekly home visit and it went very, very well :)! I always create a KJ list for home visits cause being memory impaired I could easily forget a task I need her help with! I always try to remember what the tasks where before checking the list though! I think it works my brain well! Now I'm gonna go to the YMCA to do my weights :)!

10.28.14 after 8.30pm

Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA to do my weights then cardio exercises! Then I'm going to hics at night for a Halloween party :)! I scheduled my trips the way KC suggested I do! A pickup from home to go to hics at 3.15! My return trip from the YMCA is 1.43 and my trip to hics is 3.15! Now there is no reason why "the ride" can't get me home in plenty of time so I can wash up after my workout and change my cloths! Oh, and KJ is making a home visit btw 8-9am. I've filled my med box and created my KJ list :) ! 

10.28.13 after 4.15pm

I had a great time at our conference! In past conferences I would see people who worked with me along my journey but this year I saw many friends  (survivors) who I haven't seen in like forever! One survivor was there and he was my main reason for wanting Jeff to speak at the conference! MH would always say he wished he passed in his motorcycle accident I just hope Jeff got through to him today! He was similar to me before our tbi's. He was living the high life making a three figure salary selling drugs legally! He was a salesman for phizor phamasuiticals !He was a client at hics but his attitude of always wishing the worst didn't fit! I wish now I had remembered to introduce him to Jeff! We had another speaker too she talked about aging with brain injury! How we are more susceptible for other types of neurological disorders like dementia and all timers but she did say the best way to avoid getting there is by exercising regular and eating right! I exercise regular and I...

10.27.14 after 8.30pm

Tomorrow I'm meeting hics at Florian hall in Dorchester Ma. for hics annual conference! It's always a very informative event! This year we have Jeff Seball as a guest speaker! I suggested Jeff speak at our conference cause he knows what it is like living with a traumatic brain injury! I believe he can illustrate to the public how challenging it is to try and lead a successful life living with tbi cause he has done it and done it very well! After the speakers and we are done with all the great food that the hall provides for us. There are tables set up with all kinds of venders that have something to do with brain injury! I look at this to advocate for myself to! I know MRC will be one of the tables! I was promised when I got to a place where affordable transportation is my case will be reopened! I've been here for a while now! Lets do what you told me you would!   

10.27.14 after 6.30pm

I couldn't  do the YMCA today cause I had to talk to the office here at Ramblewood to set up a date and time to recertify my housing! This is very important,when I called this morning I had to leave a voice mail! My experience in the past is WAITING a long time to get a callback so I canceled my trips to and from the YMCA! This time they called back in about an hour! I'm going to the office on November 3rd at noon to do my recertification paperwork! That's kind of easy for me to remember cause that's my birthday! When it comes to my housing I can't take any chances! I didn't like missing the YMCA but I don't have to stress about my housing! It got to be about 3pm and I needed to go to the store but my homemaker was due here at 4pm! If I scoot to Wg's I figure on 45 minuets round scoot so I knew I could do the store and back in time but then the "what if's" come in to play! What if I run out of juice or something else happens! Nothing went w...

10.27.14 around 11.30am

The office here at ramblewood just returned my , call! I've got an appointment to recertify on November 3rd at noon to recertify! That is a stress relief! I've created a file on this and created an event in my online calendar! These are the things I MUST do living with tbi and not being able to write legibly, to be successful!

10.27.14 around 11am

Too much was going through this tbi survivors mind he was on the brink of overload! I think I received notification that I need to recertify for my housing! This is very important so I called the office 1st thing this morning only to get voice mail! I left a voice mail but that doesn't help my confusion! I had trips planed to the YMCA but with this issue I thought it was best to resolve this before I could alternate my concentration anywhere, after all  this is my housing! My plans for today have changed to scooting to the office and finding out if I made an appointment, when, time, and  if not make one! I can put my devises to work too! I can either bring my tablet to make an entry in my online calendar or make a note on my Iphone or both! I think the Iphone is a better idea cause I don't need a wireless network to make it work! I guess to if I made a note on my tablet I wouldn't need the internet to do this! There has got to be some way to network all my devises so I coul...

10.26.14 around 7pm

I've been able to accomplish everything on todays agenda! I just finished the most challenging task I must be able to perform! Laundry is all done:)! I'm actually getting good at folding and putting it all away:)! Now to make some dinna, left over noodles alfreado :)! I also packed my gym bag! I'm going in the pool 1st then my weights! I go there in my suit  so I need to bring my workout attire :)!                                  I

10.26.14 after 3pm

I scooted to Wg's and got the script filled that I got my doctor to snail mail to me! I guess students were using this med when they had to study for exams! Now its a controlled substance! I've gutta show my id before and after I get this med! It just helps me to be alert! I tried other meds that were supposed to do the same but they didn't have the same affect as this does! Now I gutta think about doing laundry! 

10.26.14 around 11.15am

I'm having such a great weekend :)!Jan came over last night and I made dinna for us! I was great to spend qt with this beautiful blond! Then Lisa called last night and came over so I was spending qt with two pretty blonds :) ! I've still got some noodles alfredo left too! Jan offered to take me to Wg's so I could get my script filled but I'm thinking of scooting there instead! I don't really need to do laundry, there isn't much at all! To be on the safe side I better just do what I have! Today's agenda, scoot to Wg's, do laundry :)!

10.25.14 after 2.30pm

I just checked and I guess I already booked all my trips for the week! That's great, one less thing to take away QT spent with Jan! I do gutta do laundry tomorrow but I'm thinking of doing that after the pretty lady leaves on Sunday! I can always have my homemaker do it on Monday too :)!

10.24.14 after 10.30pm

I'm still up tonight cause I'm just not tired! I'm gonna turn in soon though cause I've got kinda an exciting day tomorrow cause I'm gonna cook dinna for a gorgeous gal! Jan is coming for dinna tomorrow night  :)! I forget what time but we exchanged emails and that's what I like about doing all my communicating through email, I can always go back and read the mail again :)!  

10.24.14 around 10am

Today I'm going to the YMCA to just do my weights and cardio! This really helps me not only physically but mentally as well! I spoke with that gorgeous lady (JAN) this morning and I'm gonna be making her dinna Saturday night, not tonight. That gives me a chance to make sure I've got everything I need! I've checked my accounts already this morning and rent and then some is still in my checking so I don't need to transfer any funds yet :)! I should do a Wg's scoot before Saturday night just to be sure but I've got two bottles of wine I've been saving for a special occasion, I can't think of anything more special than Jan coming over:)!   

10.23.14 after 9pm

Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the YMCA to do my weights :) ! I really like pushing my body to its limits and beyond! Monday I think in the last day I do the pool with Allie then I go in by myself and start my regiment of swimming laps :)! That will be my cardio workout then I'll do my weights! I'll end up doing the pool on Mondays and Fridays! That's my plan, I'll be back to buff in no time  :)! I think tomorrow night I'm gonna be making dinna for a pretty lady :)! I'm gonna make noodles alfredo :)!

10.23.14 around 5.30pm

Today at hics we had an in service about metal illness! There were two ladies who spoke about their issues! Mental illness can be a broad range of problems from depression to ptsd! The two ladies handled it very well! Survivors of tbi have been labeled lots of things before but a lot of awareness has come about lately and that's my mission to make people understand about brain injury! We are don't have a mental illness or anything like it! We are mentally  disabled though.  I never liked that term though! I got home and scooted to the store. Tomorrow I've got the YMCA then I have a pretty young lady coming over for dinna tomorrow night:) !

10.22.14 after 8.30pm

I was just watching a show and a father brought his daughter to work on bring your daughter to work day! My long term memory is still very intact! I'm remembering a bring your daughter to work day sometime in the 1990's where Bri went to work with me! She spent the day in the Giant Glass truck! I think I had her get signatures from  customers too! I think that was a great day :)! Geese I must be getting older with the things popping in my mind :)! 

10.22.14 after 3.30pm

I've been to the YMCA and I'm now leg pressing  285lbs 12 controlled repetitions! I do them very slow especially when I'm going down with the weight, I'm told that is the way to get the maximum  benefit from this exercise! All my other exercises went well too! I worked with Allie and she was showing me how to adjust the seat positions :)! I SO want to be able to do it ALL by myself! 

10.22.14 around 10am

KJ has been over and we got my needs done :)! I got snail mail about life insurance through AARP and we filled out an application! They said on the application most people accepted! It will cost me but maybe now I'll be able to get at some of MY money! I learned how I can use the MBTA's web site to plan a trip so I'm gonna be doing some traveling but 1st to Maine to visit Darcy :)! I'm gonna have to wait till next paycheck though to make sure I'm safe! Now I have the YMCA :)!

10.22.14 8-9am

Today I think KJ is making a home visit! I've got a few things I need her help with! I've gutta get some prices on getting my tools moved from Scituate to here! Learn how to use the MBTA's web site to plan a trip and maybe, if I have to, make plans to get a Charlie card, a card used to ride all of the MBTA! I can get a discounted rate cause I'm disabled! I need a little help getting Whitesnake "here I go again" on my phone too :)!

10.21.14 after 5.45pm

I've had hics today! One of the staff told me he leg pressed 350lbs but, he didn't say how many reps at that weight! Just doing that one time does nothing for you! I don't know if he just wants to outdo me or.....! I don't think he's even 30 yrs old yet! I'm  55 and I'm doing 280lbs 12 x working my way to 300lbs 12x! I really don't care what others can do I'm just proud of the fact I'm pushing megga poundage and I'm almost 56! Tomorrow I think KJ is gonna make a home visit and I've got to use the MBTA's web site to plan a trip to Maine to visit Darcy! Then I've got the YMCA for my weights :) ! Its raining out so I'm gonna have to scoot another day! I've got till Friday night when I'm cooking dinna for a gorgeous lady so I've got time :)! Now to make myself some dinna :)!

10.20.14 around 7pm

I've had a very good day :) ! I've been to the YMCA and did the pool! I tried the butterfly stroke did okay but ran out of gas very quickly! Within 2 strokes :( ! I've gutta accept that for what it is though! I tried doing the side stroke and was very successful doing the scissor kick! I've just got issues maintaining it! I did do a couple of lengths on my back though! I believe it will all come back though! This is so good for me though cause it forces my arms and legs to work together! Allie is such a joy to work with too! I've been working with Allie for about three years now and I feel she knows me well! She knows I've gutta do just about everything all by myself! She waits even to offer help till I ask for it! Allie is one of those supports I'm very lucky to have met! Then I did my weights and we did something good with the grip machine! We took some weight off on my right side as to make me try to have more range of motion! We put more weight on my lef...

10.20.14 around 10am

Being a tbi survivor and not working or driving yet we've got to find something that will provide us with the feeling of being productive! I've been following DW's journey with medical cannabis and sharing her posts on fb! One of my fb friends who has epilepsy and needed to find a natural substance that would help! This gave her hope! Hats off to DW and to me for sharing her posts :)!

10.19.14 after 7.50pm

Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA to swim and do my weights :)! I want to see if I can put some distance in with the butterfly stroke! I think this stroke maximizes your muscles and also your breathing :)! I'm working on getting the most I possibly can from the time I invest in myself at the YMCA :)! 

10.19.14 around 6pm

I just got in from a chilly scoot to Wg's! I'm just not ready to wear my coat that would be like giving in and saying the nice weather is behind us! I'm just not ready :)! I was able to purchase some ice cream but they didn't have any generic brands so I had to pay top dollar for Eddies vanilla! The good thing is if my throat catches on fire tonight, I've got something to put it out with :) ! I've gutta start planning Friday nights dinna! This is a chick I want to impress! Jan has been here for me since I was in high school and I'll never forget all the support and love she gave me so unselfishly  during and after I was comatose! She is such a great person! Not to mention a real knockout too! The beauty of this young lady is not just skin deep though! She is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!  

10.19.14 around noon

This tbi survivor is so happy to be living right now cause of a couple exciting things that are gonna be happening soon! I spoke with my bestest friend this morning and I'm gonna have her over for dinna Friday! I love cooking up a dinna for a pretty lady :)! I've gutta have KJ's help to plan a trip to Maine to see another pretty lady too! I believe I can plan this all from the  MBTA's web site that is what I learned at the in-service we had last week! The 1st time I do it though I'm gonna need KJ's help to be positive everything is done right! Jesus is with me stronger than ever right now making sure I'm living a happy life :) !

10.18.14 around 4pm

I scooted to Wg's and actually remembered why I needed to go there! This is a real accomplishment  cause my concentration was altered when two pretty young ladies got on the elevator on the 2nd floor and rode with me to the 1st! It doesn't take much to switch my concentration but when I see pretty ladies my mind seems to go haywire! I'm thinking, do I look alright, try to remain appropriate, and listen to anything that is said to me cause being deaf in my left ear if I don't concentrate on whats being said I'll probably miss it! That is one thing I'll never forget from reading the book "Men are from Mars and wemen are from Venus! Ladies like to be listened to :)! Light bulbs are expensive!  

10.18.14 before 11am

I'm actually starting this blog before 10am but I may move on to other things and do a little multitasking! I gutta get going though cause I do need to go to Wg's to get, and  I didn't forget, light bulbs :)!

11.17.14 after 8.30pm

I spoke with Lisa earlier and I need to go to Wg's to get light bulbs so if the weather cooperates tomorrow we are gonna go to Wg's and D&D'S! I hope the weather is good cause it seems like forever since I've spent qt with this blond babe :)!

10.17.14 around 4pm

I had a great workout at the YMCA today! I worked with Greg, a young man I would say in his mid 20's and he was amazed at the amount of weight I'm pushing! He said he doesn't even come close to the amount I do! I increased the weight on most machines on Monday so I'm sticking with what I'm pushing for a little while except the leg press! I'm doing 290lbs 12x times now I'm thinking Monday its time to do 300lbs 12 x! I can't stop thinking about going to see DL! I remember at the in service last week they had said something about I can plan a whole trip through the mbta's web site, using "the ride" to subway to Amtrak! That's what I'm gonna have to do when I get down to planning my trip to see Darcy :)!

10.16.14 after 6.45

I finally got over feeling blah and scooted to Wg's this afternoon! I remembered the things I needed too! Coffee filters were fresh on my mind then I saw draw string trash bags and remembered I had run out of them :)! Lisa called tonight and asked if I wanted some company I naturally said yes! Lisa and I hung out for a while, we lit candles around my apartment,shut off most lights, tried my kitchen light on my exhaust fan, didn't light! Looked for replacement bulbs, couldn't find any must have run out! Now I need to make another scoot to Wg's tomorrow for light bulbs! I'll try and think this time if I need more things but just cruising around the store worked this time but I'll try to remember I need, what was it again, LIGHT BULBS! I knew I was just playing with you :) !       

10.16.14 after 10am

I'm so in to music! I tend to follow the words and relate them to my life now! Like a song I've been listening  to a lot of late!Whitesnake  "here I go again"! My dreams have been shattered and it helps me to move on! Then I can think of strategies to once again make them a reality!

10.16.14 after 9.45

I awoke this morning around 4am with a crippling migraine headache! I couldn't go to a noisy bowling ally and be subjected to all the noise and distractions that would bring! This was a bad one too! I ended up taking two  pill to fight it, I'm better now its just the like hangover I get when I have a battle with my head! This will probably last the rest of the day! The only way I could get some kind of relief this morning was to make myself trough up by sticking my finger down my throat! Its over now :)! 

10.15.14 after 9pm

I've had a great workout at the YMCA today! I'm leg pressing 290lbs 12 times! I'm gonna be doing 300lbs probably next week :)! I've been to hics too for casino night! I again played blackjack all night! It got real exciting tonight when the anti got to 50 cents! I won the pot when it was 25 cent anti which made me ahead this night :) ! My little bag of change got bigger tonight :)! Tomorrow I'm meeting hics at Boston bowl for the hics bowling tournament! Go team Jones :)!

10.15.14 9-10am

Today I've got the YMCA to just do my weights! Then I'm gonna go to hics (rec) casino night :)! I'm trying a new strategy with "the ride"! It seems when I book an arrival time for rec they don't realize  I have a return trip from the YMCA! I've had drivers no-show me cause my trip to hics gets here before my return from the YMCA gets me home! I've also tried going from the YMCA directly to hics but staff says I'm too early! This is the 1st time I'm trying a 3.15pm pick up from my apartment to hics, this was KC's suggestion,will see if this works! 

10.14.14 around 11pm

Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA just for my weights! Then later on I'm going to hics for casino night! I'm giving KC's suggestion a shot! I booked a pick up time to go to hics for 3.15pm! My return from the YMCA is 1.40pm that should be enough time to get home wash up,change and get ready to win lots of $ :)!

10.14.14 around 9pm

My book Bobby Orr my story came in the snail mail today :)! This looks easy to read! Good size dark print and the spacing of the words look perfect! I'm gonna have to finish Jeff's book first though. My brain can't alternate my concentration so much then I wouldn't get a thing from both books! I've done some more research on cds! I can't find any that would warrant moving any funds from my savings to a cd :( ! I looked at money markets too but with the same result! I still had fun researching these things though :) !

10.14.14 after 7pm

I had hics today! We had a representative from the mbta do an in service and she spoke about accessibility on the mbta! There is a bus stop about 1/4 to a 1/2 mile away from my apartment but I could never make it walking with my walker so I asked if a bus could take my scooter! She said yes they can! Now I'm thinking I should purchase a Charlie card and use the buses to get places when I want to go someplace when its too late to book a trip with "the ride"! After hics I went to Braintree rehab and got my Botox injections! It will take at least one week until I can feel the affects from my shots!

10.13.14 after 9pm

I've got a busy day tomorrow I gutta think about turning in! I just got so busy researching certificates of deposit! I'd like to buy one at citizens bank then I could monitor it easy cause I have on line banking with citizens but I think I can find better rates out there! This makes me happy to spend my time productively :)!  

10.13.14 around 6pm

Today I've had a great workout at the YMCA! I'm even pushing more weight than a 20 year old man :)! I'm up to 285lbs on the leg press and I do this 12x a controlled 12 x! I'm working my way to 300 lbs! I'm hoping maybe 300 lbs will give me some kind of challenge :)! I'm even pushing more weight than men half my age :)!Michaela, my homemaker, has been over but I didn't  have enough funds left on my laundry card for her to wash my sheets, I used what I had yesterday! There is always next week! I've got one $10. bill left, I don't like to put any more than $10 on it so I'm thinking I should go to the machine and put the $10 on it before I use it for something else! Cash I seem to hold on to though cause I like to use my master money card for most things ! Tomorrow I've got hics from there I go to Braintree rehab to get my shots of Botox which is so good cause I feel my tone is not good at all! I'm hopping this will help make it much better! ...

10.13.14 before 11am

I'm pulling myself back up and out of this awful depressed state! I'm the type that needs to have complete control of things that are important in MY life my assets being a large thing! I believed I had control of them but I was wrong! I wanted to take a small amount and invest it in blue chip kinds of things! I've worked hard to get myself right with the IRS so they wouldn't attach anything I accumulate! I guess they don't have confidence or faith in my abilities to think things through and make a proper decision! My brain injury, I've come to the conclusion affected me more physically than cognitively therefor I believe I can do well on investing! I can research everything thoroughly before I commit to anything! I've been able to accumulate funds now just by living within  my means! I've got about a grand I can start my journey of investing in blue chip items now and still leave enough for one months rent in my savings! I've still got options too! ...

10.11.14 around half past noon

I got a jump on tomorrows tasks, I scheduled all my trips for the upcoming week! Next week I've got an appointment to get my shots of Botox! That meant having to book multiple trips to different destinations! I've still got issues with the web site I have to use! It won't let me change an address when I try to book a round trip! I had to book a number of one way trips! Like on Tuesday I'm going to hics then to Braintree rehab then home! Wednesday was even worse cause I'm going to the YMCA then home then hics! I had to do them all as one way trips! I'm just happy I'm intelligent enough to figure out a way around these issues :)! 

10.10.14 after 11pm

I'm up very late tonight for me! Today was a busy day if I could only remember what has gone down :)! Oh I received my replacement Wal-Mart order! I've got an email from Wal-Mart with the subject line "rate your recent  Wal-Mart order"! I've gutta rate this cause this was a wonderful experience working with them! They replaced my order no questions asked all I had to say is "I never received the order"! I got my Peapod order tonight! I have no plans for tomorrow but I'm sure I'll think of something constructive I can do! Lisa won't be around tomorrow so I can't ask that blond babe to do something maybe I'll just go to d&d's solo and hang for a little while! I'll bring my tablet and use the free wii fii there!

10.10.14 around 5.30pm

Today I've had a super workout at the YMCA then I came home and there was a voice mail saying there is a script ready to be picked up at Wg's! You've got to pick them up within 48 hr's after they call or its gutta be filled again! So I scooted to Wg's and picked up my script and stopped at the store too :)! I've still got peapod gonna show up btw 7-9pm with my order! I Should do some work with my freezer to create some room for whats coming tonight :)!

10.10.14 around 10am     I get into disagreements about who was the greatest hockey player of all time. Bobby Orr vs Wayne Gretsky! I grew up in the Bobby Orr era! He won the scoring title as a defenseman, scored over 100 points again as a great defenseman! "the great one" was great but not even close to the amount of talent posseted by Bobby Orr!

10.8.14 after 8.30pm

I must have "fed" up while booking my trips this week cause they have me for a 10am pick up time for tomorrow instead of an arrival time to go to hics!I find this very strange cause I'm always monitoring "the ride's" web site! The only dite I monitor more often in my online bank! I sometimes think it just changes all by itself!  I've got to learn something from this "f up"! I guess I'm just gonna have to read it more carefully! At any rate tomorrow  I've got hics :)!

10.8.14 after 6.50pm

Today has been a good day but yet kinda strange! Good cause KJ was over and we got Walmart to send out a replacement order for the one some low life ripped off here! I got my delivery from Dell the windows 7 cd I ordered! I went to the post office to get the package they said they have for me, Lisa drove me there only to find out they can't find what it was :( ! Then we stopped at  D&D's for linner and GREAT qt! I'm trying to install windows 7 on my newest notebook and its giving me many issues! The cd says on it "for distribution with a new pc"!I don't know if its for a pc that already was running windows 7 or since I'm kinda downgrading from windows 8 it needs other files! One thing for sure is it gets the squeaky wheels turning in this tbi survivors head! I WILL figure out whats happening or not happening! I've got my Walmart order coming too and with this there is another windows 7 cd! I just gutta make sure a low life here doesn't rip me o...

10.8.14 after 10am

KJ has been over and we got lots of good stuff done :)! We tracked my newest order from Dell and set up some restrictions so it wouldn't get ripped off by one of the lovely people that live in or visit this building! The post office has it now and my mail carrier is a nice guy, he sometimes signs for me and drops the package outside my apartment door :)! We also called Walmart to say I never received the order and they are gonna resend the order :)! Now this tbi survivor must clear his brain and concentrate on my workout at the YMCA and my trips to and from the YMCA :)! 

10.7.14 near 9pm

Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA for my strength training! I was impressed by being able to leg press 300 lbs after doing 280 12 times! These old hockey legs are still strong! I guess booting out windshields for many years kept my legs strong :) !

10.7.14 after 5pm

I've been to hics today! One group social  something we discussed, being disabled do you care about what others are saying about you and what you thought of the disabled before you became disabled! My stance on this is the same as before my tbi! I've been able to accomplish many great things in my life so before my tbi I always said "you don't like me or what I stand for! That's your problem I don't care one bit"! I was always one that would help or try to any disabled person that looked as if they were struggling with something! I even would ask a non disabled person if I could help if they were struggling! I came home and vacuumed my apartment! Not too bad this time I was able to do it with no help whatsoever! :)

10.6.14 around 7pm

Wow what a busy day I've had! I forgot to blog about a call I received this morning. Fed-x called me back about a claim I made about not receiving an order they say they delivered! They said all I can do now is call where the order originated, Wal-Mart! I've still got the emails from Wal-Mart concerning  that order! I've been to the YMCA for swimming and my weights! I was able to put together a three lengths of the pool swim! Then my weights, I said I wanted to try leg pressing 300 lbs! I did my 12 reps of 280lbs then I set the weight to 300lbs! After doing the 12 at 280 I still was able to do 3or4 at 300lbs :)! Then I went from the YMCA to my podiatrist! He shaved off my corn and I do feel some relief! Now I gutta start wearing the brace that was made to stop this pesky corn from reappearing! Now I gutta make myself a late dinna  AGAIN!

oh yeah

After the YMCA I'm going directly to my podiatrist ! My trip time to go there from the YMCA isn't until 3.08 pm! My workout usually takes under  an hour to complete so I'm gonna have some time to kill! With a coffee shop right there and I'll bring my tablet it will be kewl :)! 

10.5.14 after 9pm

I'm up kind of late for me tonight that's cause I just finished putting away all my clean laundry! I still gutta make some kind of dinna! I got one of those Wg's buffalo chicken subs today at Wg's so that will be easy. Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA for swimming and my weight training :) ! I get to start my day off at the YMCA going in the pool with two, that's right 2 pretty young ladies :) !

10.5.14 after 5.20pm

I just had a great scoot to Wg's! I used to get a four pack of the Wg's protein shakes till the last time I found a case containing nine or more! I found another one today :)! KJ told me I should drink one about 30 mins to an hour after finishing my workout, strength training! I guess it helps muscles grow! I don't care about my muscles growing I just want them to firm up! It also cools my throat down in a healthy way :)!    

10.5.14 after 1pm

Search engines on the web are all different! Ie is not bad but it doesn't take you where you want to go 100% of the time! Too many useless links tend to pop up! I used to have Netscape! Netscape took me places no other sites could find! I can't seem to download a good version now :( so I have good  results using Yahoo!Today I was thinking of getting a haircut but I donno if the barber shop is open today! I scheduled all my trips for the week online over the past few days! That is such a great tool being finally able to schedule trips online! Then I can really concentrate on where I'm going on what day. I had to put a ton of though in to tomorrows trips! I've got an appointment with my podiatrist! I've also got the YMCA not only for my weights but the pool too! My foot really hurts so that is an important appointment plus after I get my corn shaved off I can start wearing my brace to see if it will keep the corn from coming back! The YMCA is import...

10.4.14 around 7pm

Today I added value to my laundry card cause there wasn't even enough to wash and dry one load!  It seems I always have to fight with the machine to take my bills! I had a 20,a 5,and a bunch of 1s. The machine don't take ones and I didn't want to use my 20 so I had to fight the machine to take my five! After numerous attempts I finally got the thing to accept my five and give me credit for it:)! I also made a scoot to the store! I needed ice cream! With my throat issues I didn't want it to feel like it was on fire and not have a way of putting the fire out :)! Now I gutta make a late dinna :)! 

10.4.14 around half past noon

I was noticing in my account for "the ride" my value was getting low! I always add at least $100. when I get my check but its not gonna come until a week from Tuesday but I need to make sure there is enough to cover my trips until that time! I don't have much $ left in my checking account so I just added $20. to it! That will be good for nine trips if my math is correct! Today I'm thinking a scoot to Wg's is in order then its up in the air! Lisa  is busy today she told me what she was doing but I forget (go figure) what she said. One other thing that is taking up a lot of space in my brain is KJ doesn't know I put off having the colonoscopy on Tuesday! I think she said she would reschedule my appointment to get shots of Botox for my muscle tone! I don't know if I need to book a trip to Braintree rehab or not for that now! I'm telling you running my life successfully is a hard full time job!   

10.3.14 around 5pm

I've had a great workout at the YMCA! I worked with this pretty young lady who I forgot the name of (go figure) but she did very very well :) ! When I work with someone for the 1st time they are amazed at the amount of weight I push :) ! Everyone at the YMCA says I'm very strong! I guess if everyone is saying I'm very strong it must be true! Not too bad for a disabled 55 year old man :)! I'm leg pressing 280 lbs 12 times, next time I wanna try an even 300lbs :) ! I feel I can do that 12 reps:)! I do the leg press real controlled too! Maybe I should do 290 first, naw lets do 300 next time :) ! I got home and scooted to the store! Now I'm thinking I should lie down for a little bit then cook dinna :) !

10.3.14 after 10.30

When your living with tbi you've got to work at making life as less confusing as you can! I called the number I just got in the snail mail and rescheduled the colonoscopy! They couldn't do it till December! That's okay with me cause I dread the preparation!  I created a file with the date and time also created an event in my online calendar too! Living with tbi and not driving yet has taught me you can never have too many reminders :)! Now I can go to the YMCA with less stress, only thing to stress about is as always my trips with "the ride"

10.3.14 around 10am

There is so much information this tbi survivor must process its overwhelming! I've got to make decisions as to what is more important and what I need most! I've got a colonoscopy scheduled for Tuesday but I've got a podiatrist appointment on Monday! I can't prepare for the colonoscopy and go anywhere! I need to go to the podiatrist cause my foot is killing me! I think I should call and reschedule the colonoscopy but I don't have a number to call! I got my snail mail from yesterday and there was a letter from my pcp with a number to confirm the colonoscopy! That seems like fate so it seems that is the right decision! Today I'm going to the YMCA for my weights! I'm having my issues trying to wear my brace! It seems that since I've already got a corn on my right little toe it makes the pain unbearable!  The design of the brace is to help prevent the corn from coming back so quick! Not to ease the pain of the corn and my newer sneakers don't feel as bad ...

10.2.14 after 7pm

Hics today was pretty kewl! We had a memory group where we did exercises that really challenge and work the brain! KJ and I were able to call that number about the deliveries I never got but online it says "delivered"! They are gonna investigate this matter! I've got no confidence that anything will come of it though! My printer is working again so I printed a page that reads "deliveries to James Young apartment 30, it may take some time to answer door buzzer please wait" ! I'll take this downstairs and tape it next to the place where all the apartment buzzers are to push! I've still got a package at the post office too! I've gutta scoot there soon! Maybe tomorrow after the YMCA  I'll scoot to the post office! 

10.2.14 after 7.30am

I got a land line from Fed x concerning my missed deliveries! They gave me a number and name of someone to speak with! I couldn't write it down so I mailed the information to KJ and hopefully we can call today! The order was over $100 so I hope we can get this resolved!

10.1.14 after 10.25am

KJ was over and we put the brace in my older sneakers and I'm wearing it now but its very,very uncomfortable! I've got to try and make this work I'm going to the YMCA then to the "99" and the pain is unbearable :( ! We tracked my recent Walmart orders and they said they were delivered so that means one of my lovely neighbors stole them :(!