I've been to Braintree rehab to see dr.Koelbel for injections of Botox! It will take one- three months for me to start to feel the affects of this! Dr.Koelbel asked me a bunch of questions about the effectiveness of getting these shots. He was thinking instead of getting shots every three months could I get them every six months. I told him, not only do my muscles feel tight now, I feel resistance when I try to move them in certain ways. Dr. Koelbel very much appreciates my feedback he said "it's good to talk with someone so articulate about this! That's the 2nd time it was said about me that I was articulate! I smile when that's said about me cause # one cause of my brain injury I'm not supposed to be understood well at all! #2, It's so nice to here that in spite of my brain injury, I'm doing well on my speech, problem solving skills, my thinking, being able to focus on one thing at a time!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!