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1.20.16 around 4.30pm

This survivor has been through too much stuff the past few days maybe a whole week! My journey started on 1/11 with surgery to remove kidney stones from my left kidney! All I seem to remember about this is waking up all groggy and out of it and sore! I was then shipped of to a room in South shore hospital to stay a few days! That was a very uncomfortable stay cause I was made to feel like an irresponsible little kid! My bed was alarmed so that every time I went to get up an alarm would go off! Every time I'd even move a little bit it would go off though and alert the nurses I moved, they'd come to check on me to make sure I wasn't getting up! Made me feel like an infant! I talked to the doctor about this and he said there was nothing he could do, they have they're policies regarding there issues! From my previous surgeries I needed a nurse to change my bandages around the incisions so he found another place I can stay a few nights my insurance will pay for! This was a nursing home in Braintree Ma. I couldn't stand being at this place! I was again being treated as if I was a little kid and not given any credit for being able to do as much as I've relearned to do since my brain injury :(! I got the feeling of constantly getting my intelligence insulted! I haven't had that feeling since living in Scituate! The one good thing about this place is they did offer pt though! It seemed that all the exercises were redundant and not useful to me anymore until one day I worked with free weights! I had another appointment with the doctor who preformed the surgery and this time I put some work in changing the dressing covering my incision so I could get home and away from being depressed everyday! My incision had healed a great deal and I told him I can know change the dressing by myself and he agreed I no longer need to be there anymore :)! I got paperwork saying I need to be discharged from that what seemed like to me prison! I get back there and hand the nurse the paperwork and say with a big smile on I can get discharged now! This nurse kind of blew me off and said you've got to go through much more than this to get discharged! I started to feel severely depressed now then I get back to my room and there was a lady from my health plan there waiting for me! I explained everything to her and expressed all my fears about this place and she said "don't worry about anything" and made some trips for today to get HOME after being discharged from this place! I'm there today and everything is a hassle there today again but I was gonna get some satisfaction no matter what it would entail!  I got there and was supposed to have pt but I was having a I'll call you back conversation with my provider where we do a lot of I'll call you backs and stuff so I really couldn't do a pt session at that time! To make this LONG story shorter, this survivor got accomplished what he had to do today and I'm again FREE :)!


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