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1.27.16 around 9pm

I went to dinna @ Dave & Busters and had a great meal :)! I had some issues getting there though. The driver on the trip to there dropped me off not far from there but NOT there! He told me all I've gutta do is just go by Lord and Talor and it's right there. I figured that sounds easy enough okay! That was a big mistake!` I've gutta remember I'm living with a traumatic brain injury and although something sounds easy when I try to do it I get all confused! I asked passer byes if they knew where it is but most didn't one person said it's right next to the  pizza joint! I found the pizza place but not what I needed to! Thankfully hics has a cell phone for things like this so I called the hics cell, left a vm, JR called back and asked where I was! He came and got me and all was good :)! Lesson learned, don't ever let a driver drop me off anyplace but where I'm supposed to be dropped off! Tomorrow I'm gonna get my shots of Botox :)! That will be good cause I can really feel my muscle tone is way out of wack! Tightness and they seem to feel restricted! That makes it even harder to function and try to accomplish everything I must to live my successful independent  life :)!


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