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1.21.16 after 7.30pm

 I've been lazy all day today! I have been monitoring my bank accounts all day though not cause I'm waiting for something to appear but just cause I can :)! I've gutta see if I can go to Colonial savings bank on my bike though cause I need to put some funds in a much higher yield account of some sort! I'm thinking a cd or whatever is suggested to me by any advisors there! I'm thinking it's gutta be near the old S&S in Holbrook, if so that's well within ridding range! I guess I'm just waiting for warmer weather but I should be able to withstand the weather just by wearing my cold weather ridding gear! I've got my outback ridding coat I can wear to go. That should keep me toasty all the way there and back :)! Tomorrow KJ is making a home visit and I've made my KJ list but I'm holding off doing my meds cause I've got some meds I got from that place I had to stay way too long at and I could use her expert help blending them with all my other meds! I could do this task without any help but I've taken a med from the package they come in and you've gutta push the tablet through a paper back, and one went flying on me before! I found it but still I'll be more confident having her there in case it happens again! This survivor has got to make sure of everything to lead a successful independent life! Ive gutta have back ups for all my back ups :)!


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