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12.28.14 around 6.50pm

Today I've taken a confidence building scoot to Wg's and the store  :)! The power gauge on my scooter didn't budge past fully charged the whole scoot ! :) I think it's safe to assume these interstate batteries are "the kind"! I got home and had to do laundry! I got all my laundry DONE for the week :)! I've still got my issues when it comes to putting it all away after I get it from the dry :( ! The machines were hungry, they ate at least three socks! Good thing I went to Wg's this morning cause I was able to get some quick and easy dinnas! I'm beginning to think tooth aches are contagious! A fb friend was battling one and now I'm getting some pain in my lower right quadrant! I've battled periodontics all my life! That's where the bone in your jaw that holds your teeth in rots away! I used to get what's called a deep cleaning every year when I had dental ins. Mass health pays for regular cleanings but won't pay for a deep cleaning :( ! I had one about two years ago but had to withdraw from my trust to get it done! It cost then $2,000! The good thing is I can call Lux dental and say I'm getting pain and that will be covered!  I can't keep loosing teeth though! I've already lost one from my lower right quadrant pretty soon I won't have any in that area!


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