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12.11.14 after 5.30pm

Today is my brother Ed's B-day, happy B-day! Growing I always associated this day with being two weeks before Christmas!As a kid this was always a happy time of year! I've been to hics today and what I can remember is KC ran a memory group last group of the day! We went over strategies to help improve our memories! What causes our memories to decline and what we can do to prevent rapid decline! One strategy is to use some sort of gadget we can use to remind us of things like a cell phone! I've got my Iphone that also can bring up my online calendar! I always try to remember things without using my tools first! Then use my tools as to sort of back up my mind! That also is a form of exercising my brain! I remember the first gadget I got to give me reminders, an electronic organizer! While still in therapy Cara suggested I get one, although I had to program it every night, that was a great tool early on in my journey! My computer has always been the best tool for just about everything to help my progressing :)! From working on my hand eye coordination by typing to my organization skills by keeping my calendar up to date plus a computer helps with my problem solving skills! With a computer comes problems, mainly software probs! I believe my electronic  devises keep me sharp! Speaking of devices my newest device came in the snail mail today! The RCA 7" tablet! I got this cause it has a full mini keyboard! The on screen keyboards seem to be very challenging for me with my tremors! Lets be positive and say this devise will help me in many ways :)! I'm gonna let it charge till after dinna :) ! 


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