I got mail from amazon.com changing the estimated arrival date of Charlie's tablet so I immediately forwarded the email to Bri so she would be aware of this! I've got auto fill in my yahoo mail program which is good but I've just got trouble remembering the first characters of Bri's or any address! These are just things you've got to learn to accept and deal with living with a traumatic brain injury! I try to take it a step further and find a strategy to remember the first characters! It starts with look so I just think of looking for the address then I remember just type look and the rest auto fills in :)! I want to scoot to Wg's today but I'm just real tentative about the batteries in my scooter having enough juice to make the round trip! I've got some new batteries but there are so many screws to take out to get the battery pack apart then they need charging too! I think today I'll just scoot to the store then come home and with my cordless drill zoom the screws out,swap the batteries,then put the charger on for the rest of the day! I'll store the other batteries cause they still have life in them but I need to be able to make it to Wg's and back stress free!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!