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12.10.14 around 12pm

I've paid all my bills for this month except the IRS! They can wait! Between my child support payment and taxes I only got a little over $100 in my weekly salary check when I was working for Giant Glass! I had to claim three dependents too otherwise there wouldn't be enough after taxes to make my cs payment! See there are many reasons why I got in trouble with the IRS! I had made a deal with them to pay an extra $150 per month before my coma then my accident! I defaulted on that deal and had to hire a lawyer to strike another deal with them! This time it costs me $377. a month! That's a far cry from $150 but I'm doing very well sustaining my payments! I haven't missed a payment and I always pay them last! I had my normal issues navigating the Mass commonwealth site! They don't make it easy to find the right link to choose to pay my Mass health premium!  I was able to finally choose the right link! A lot of hit and miss thankfully I don't know how to give up! All I've got left is the IRS and they are gonna WAIT :)! 


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