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Showing posts from December, 2014

12.31.14 after 2pm

I scooted to Wg's and got my script filled! I had to show my ID for the pain med and they said it was expired! They filled it anyway but said they would only do it this one time! I took a pain med immediately, hopefully it helps! Cruised the pain med isle and got more Anbesole   and something else that said relieves tooth pain! This pain is really unbearable! I like to think I've got a high tolerance for pain too but tooth pain to me is miserable! I used up all the funds on the gift card the beautiful lady Jan got me as a Christmas gift! She is one of a kind! She knew exactly how she could help me! You can  see why I consider her as my true bestest friend, love you Jan ;)!

12.31.14 after 10am

KJ was over and I got in touch with Lux dental to make an appointment to get this GB tooth pulled! They can't do it until Friday of next year! I've gutta get to Wg's to get my script filled for an antibiotic and pain! I also gutta get some more Anbesol, that is the only thing I get any kind of relief from this awful pain! 

12.30.14 after 4pm

I've been to hics and from hics to my dentist! At the dentist they took xrays and came to the conclusion I need a root canal!My other option is pull the tooth!  Normally I'd say "go ahead and pull it" but I've had too many teeth pulled from that quadrant I don't know if I should have another pulled! To have the root canal done I'd be paying out of my own pocked for! Mass health don't pay for  root canals!

12.29.14 around 6pm

I've been dealing with my tooth pain by applying anbesol  every hour! Tooth and gum pain is by far the worst kind of pain to deal with! Michaela was over and cleaned my whole apartment up! Lisa called and asked me if I wanted some pizza that her mother made! 

12.29.14 around 1pm

I found the small tube of Anbesol I got just after I moved to Holbrook! I remember I always had something to help with tooth pain when I lived in my many other apartments! That was the first challenge now to get it out of the wrapping and open the tube! With my severe spasticity its a real challenge but with the stadigeies I've had to learn and remember to employ I got it done! I guess I'm giving myself a big pat on the back! First remembering that its no fun having tooth pain and remembering how I got by in the past to making sure I've got all I need to making an appointment with my dentist to figuring how to get there and do other things on the same day! This tbi survivor has got everything under control! I find it hard to understand why some people didn't think I was ready to live on my own! I even do better than when I lived in N.Quincy! I'm not trying to raise a teenager  and that's what I said to those who didn't have faith in the power and will of Jam...

12.29.14 around 11am

I'm in so much pain its so hard to even think! I called and made an appointment to get this pain relieved but that took so many calls! I had to first call the dentist then "the ride" and because of my brain injury I loose track of what I'm doing as I'm doing it! I called "the ride" to book a trip for tomorrow and I forget what time I need to be there! Then I've got other trips for tomorrow too so to try and explain what I need is hard and I loose track of exactly what order I need the trips in! This survivor is on brain overload! I think I've done everything right but that's what living with traumatic brain injury is like for me anyway, I'm just not sure of anything :(! This is what I've done. Tomorrow I go from home to hics, from hics to Lux dental to be there at 12.30pm, from there to home pick up at 1.30pm! I had to call Lux dental back to make sure my appointment was at 12.30pm cause with my concentration  being altered so much an...

12.26.14 around 8pm

My I  phone there was an update! I followed the instructions and new apps come up! One new app was labeled Jamie Oliver's recipes!  I said now wait, I know a Jamie Oliver! Jamie, what don't you have your hands into :)?

12.28.14 around 6.50pm

Today I've taken a confidence building scoot to Wg's and the store  :)! The power gauge on my scooter didn't budge past fully charged the whole scoot ! :) I think it's safe to assume these interstate batteries are "the kind"! I got home and had to do laundry! I got all my laundry DONE for the week :)! I've still got my issues when it comes to putting it all away after I get it from the dry :( ! The machines were hungry, they ate at least three socks! Good thing I went to Wg's this morning cause I was able to get some quick and easy dinnas! I'm beginning to think tooth aches are contagious! A fb friend was battling one and now I'm getting some pain in my lower right quadrant! I've battled periodontics all my life! That's where the bone in your jaw that holds your teeth in rots away! I used to get what's called a deep cleaning every year when I had dental ins. Mass health pays for regular cleanings but won't pay for a deep cleanin...

12.27.14 after 6.45pm

My brain has been on overload all afternoon! I've lived on the south shore of Mass all my life! Growing up in Scituate, getting married moving to Marshfield,wanting to start a family moving to N.Weymouth, buying a house in Quincy,(Squantum), getting divorced moving a bunch of different apartments but all in Quincy! I don't think I'm ready or willing to leave the south shore right now but I'm gonna research everything I owe myself that much! I feel so safe where I am now! I'm not a burden to anyone but myself :)!

12.27.14 around 11.15am

This tbi survivor is on brain overload! It's been suggested to me I relocate to move closer to my immediate family, my daughters and grandson! I've really got nothing holding me here but there is a lot to think about it's not like I can just one day say "I'm moving to New Hampshire" ! The pluses are something to consider, be closer to my girls which is the only reason I'm even letting it take up any space in my brain. I've got to weigh all the pluses  and minuses together before I even research what's available in Concord NH for someone who is mentally disabled !  

12.22.14 around 8.15pm

Oh yeah, I also said to Lisa the tablet has skype! She read that Bri said now Charlie can  Skype with his Gramps so I had to open up my Skype program and I had no clue as to what my logon info is! Now my user name is in my puter and I use the pw I'm using now when I forget my pw! Lisa is a real good friend. She gives me shxt when I'm not wearing my lifeline pendant! Tomorrow I've got hics to go to!

12.22.14 after 7.30pm

Lisa was up and I was able to show her the pics of my grandson working with the tablet I got him! She is dealing with depression and it is little things like this that can put a smile  on her face even if it lasts only a second its a moment she's happy:)! 

12.22.14after 5.30pm

Michaela was over and cleaned my whole apartment! I gave the gift card I got for her too! I got a land line from Allie from the YMCA saying the partnership program is closed on Wednesday so I canceled my trips right away cause with my memory I could forget! 

12.22.14 after 3.45pm

I just now got all showered and dressed for the day! I was dealing with a total and complete lack of motivation today! Now Michaela, my homemaker is coming at 4pm!I can't think of anything special I need so just a cleaning. I'm glad I made it to D&D's cause I wanted to give her a small Christmas gift! Just a gift card to D&D's.

12.22.14 around 10am

I don't know why or what it is but this survivor has a total lack of motivation on Mondays 0:( ! I canceled doing the YMCA today cause I couldn't get myself motivated to do anything but I did make a pot of coffee:)!

12.21.14 around 9.30pm

I got all my laundry done today! I get so pooped after putting it all away! I made a quick and easy dinna, got a hoot from Bri sending pics of Charlie working with the tablet I got him :)!Lisa came over and we hung out for a while! Tomorrow I've got the YMCA to swim laps then do my weight training! I'm thinking Friday I leg pressed 330lb 12 reps, why not do 340lb! Then I'll just be 10lb from my goal of 350lb! I've got to be able to do 12 controlled reps though! I'm sure these old hockey legs can do it :)!

12.21.14 around 9.30pm

I think its so important in this day and age to get the youngsters started as young as possible with technology! That's why I bought this tablet for my grandson :)!

12.21.14 after 3.30pm

I just had a confidence building scoot to D&D's and the store! These new batteries seem so much better than the last ones I purchased! The last ones the power gauge would tend to fluctuate when I would go up Technical park drive! These ones didn't make it move past fully charged the whole scoot! I wouldn't  hesitate one bit about scooting to Wg's now! Now I gutta do laundry UGG!

12.21.14 around 11am

Today I've got to at least scoot to the store and if the roads and sidewalks are okay after last nights storm scoot to D&D's to finish off my Christmas shopping! Then I gutta do my laundry ugg! I put my new batteries in my scooter yesterday that will be a great test for them :)!

12.20.14 before noon

I got mail from changing the estimated arrival date of  Charlie's tablet so I immediately forwarded the email to Bri so she would be aware of this! I've got auto fill in my yahoo mail program which is good but I've just got trouble remembering the first characters of Bri's  or any address! These are just things you've got to learn to accept and deal with living with a traumatic brain injury! I try to take it a step further and find a strategy to remember the first characters! It starts with look so I just think of looking for the address then I remember just type look and the rest auto fills in :)! I want to scoot to Wg's today but I'm just real tentative about the batteries in my scooter having enough juice to make the round trip! I've  got some new batteries but there are so many screws to take out to get the battery pack apart then they need charging too! I think today I'll just scoot to the store then come home and with my cordless dri...

12.19.14 after 4.30pm

I've been to the YMCA and I am now leg pressing 330 lb. 12 repetitions! These 56 year old hockey legs are feeling very strong! The thing about is though yes I can feel that it is a lot of weight but I'm doing all my repetitions  with ease!  I'm pushing a lot a weight on the other machines too but I try to gauge my progression on the grip machine and I think today I did 60 lb. with my right hand! That is so significant cause  my brain injury was mainly to my left side of my brain! The left side of the brain controls the right side body functions! I'm working on doing controlled repetitions now but at the moment I just try to get through the exercise!

12.19.14 around 9.30am

I've done my most important task I had to do this morning  that was to make sure Bri received the receipt for the kids tablet I purchased for Charlie from yesterday! She got it :)! This is an electronic devise and I want them to be well insured in case anything goes wrong with it! Something could go wrong with it being shipped and passing through so many hands, there is also the shipping info on there with the tracking # if It doesn't arrive on the promised date! I've got to keep a close eye on my checking account now too! I've spent money on things I need and a few gifts! I won't get paid for weeks and I've only got so much in reserve! That was a great idea I had yesterday to have the driver from "the ride" drop me off at Wg's so I could  get my meds and the rest of my needs! Although I brought the charger with me and plugged my scooter in for almost an hour before I left hics the power gauge was on low power by the time I got home! Tha...

12.18.14 around 4.30pm

I've been to hics today and all I can remember is the great help I got from KJ to purchase the kindle fire kids edition and get it shipped to Bri's address before Christmas! I'm happy getting this for my grandson! I'm thinking this will help the young lad grow intellectually :)! 

12.17.14 after 10pm

I saw two wires hanging behind my tv! One I knew was for my stereo receiver but had no idea what the other one is I thought maybe it is the hdmi cable that was connected to my other laptop. It is my first hdmi cable, I connected my newest laptop to it and it works! This is a much heavier cable than I just received! This is the cable JR got for me from Best Buy and I think I paid around $20. for it!  

12.17.14 after 8.30pm

I just watched an episode of full house! The one where Stephaney confided in Jessie about a kid getting beaten by his father! I can't even imagine why a parent would ever hurt their own kid! I raised three kids and yes sometimes I got very angry with them but I NEVER laid a hand on any of my kids!   

12.17.14 after 8.15pm

I was getting frustrated trying to rip apart my old desktop and I didn't want to have that spoil my dinna so I located an hdmi jack on my laptop and plugged one end of the cable I just received so now I know it will work! I may even try to go behind my tv and connect the other end! I should probably wait though but on the other hand I think it is kinda safe! There is really no place to fall behind the tv its just getting there that will be tricky but I CAN do it :)! 

12.17.14 after 6.45pm

I started stripping my old computer and was taking pics with my Iphone as I go but I connected my Iphone to my desktop and I got a message to update my phone so I click on yes update my phone! Now I can't find the pics I took! I know I was able to get the ram out and put it in a sandwich bag but everything else seems to be fighting me! I've got to find out how to release the mother board then everything will come with it! I've gutta stop now and make some dinna :)

12.17.14 around 4pm

Thanks for all the great advice (help) from my fb friends in trying to get that kids tablet order done! Trying to deal with all my issues and get this God blessard tablet ordered and sent to a different address! My concentration is being altered now cause I got another delivery today! First delivery was from UPS that was a hdmi cable! This cable looks nothing like the last one I had but if it works really doesn't matter! I'm gonna have to WAIT to get some help with this though! I don't think it's a good idea for me to go behind my 42" flat panel tv to try and first find where to connect the wire then connect it! Then I got a Fed X delivery of a parallel to usb cable so I can get all my files from my old hard drive with it out of my older computer! Time to start stripping my old computer of all the good and reusable parts! I also was gonna scoot to Wg's but again my battery gauge was fluctuating going up technical park drive! I've got two new batteries maybe...

12.17.14 after 9.45am

Fed-x just delivered a wire I ordered but I've ordered a  few wires, one that will hopefully transfer my data from my old desktop hd to my new desktop and an hdmi cable that will connect my newest laptop to my 42" flat panel tv! Then I can use that as a dvd player too! I just can't tell which one it is! At any rate I've gutta start stripping my old desktop of the essential parts! Ill take out all the ram, processor,  mother board, and anything else I can grab! I'll store them in plastic bags and put them where I know I keep all my computer parts!

12.17.14 around 9.20am

This tbi survivor is feeling very overwhelmed this morning! I want to get this gift from and get it shipped directly to them but I'm having issues changing the address from mine to another address. KJ is back but not making a home visit today, I'm sure I can get help from any of my supports at hics but then the problem of being away from my computer which stores all my passwords! I try to make them all either one of two pw's but I forget which ones I've changed! When I've gutta get a new pw now I know the one I'm using now! I guess what I should do is go to all my accounts and change the pw's now while I'm on my desktop! Nothing is ever easy when you have a traumatic brain injury :(!

12.16.14 around 7.30pm

I've had a great day! The hics Christmas party was lots of fun! The food was fantastic, no need to do dinna I had plenty at the "old country buffet! For desert among other things that found their way to me was this chocolate cake that was really good :) ! Tomorrow I've got trips to and from the YMCA to go! I think I'll stick with the 330 lb on the leg press until Monday then I'll up it to 340lb! Then the following Monday I'll do 350lb! I'll see how that feels and decide if I should attempt to reach 400lb! That would really be something! A fifty six year old man leg pressing 400lb! Not just 1nce but 12 controlled repetitions! 

12.16.14 around 9am

Today I'm going to the "old country buffet" in Walpole Mass. for the hics Christmas party! There is a swap of gifts but I'm not gonna do that this time! I was never able to get out and scoot to D&D's to get my gift cards I always get! I've still gutta get a few maybe I'll have "the ride" drop me off at Wg's on the return from the party! I do need some other stuff too the trick is remembering those needs! It also will be a test for my scooter! I'll bring my charger just in case! I am a little nervous with these aftermarket batteries though! I've gutta be positine though! My scooter will preform admirably!

12.15.14 around 6pm

Michaela, my homemaker was here and she washed all my bed sheets, made the bed, put away my shirts, I just gutta put away my underwear! Bayada is a much better service than the last one I had! When I had a homemaker from the last one do my bed, that is all she did! Michaela did everything, my dishes, countertops, bathroom, vacuumed  all my rugs, floors in my bathroom and kitchen! I gutta make some dinna now, have to be quick and easy at this time! 

12.15.14 still around 9am

I just checked with Walmart online, they say my cable to connect the hard drive in my old computer to my new one should be arriving today! I'll probably miss the ups driver but if its the normal driver, he usually drops my package outside my door!

12.15.14 around 8.30

I've got the YMCA for swimming laps then my weights then my homemaker comes! Its real important I make the YMCA today cause I don't think I made it one day last week! I think I'm gonna need a home visit from someone from hics this week cause although I don't like to admit that I DO need some help with a few things :(! KJ hasn't been in, she suffered a concussion last week :(! That is so ironic, she works with head injury survivors and suffers a mild head injury herself! Get better KJ! KJ and I are working on some things that she can only help me with but I've got some new tasks I could use some help with! I've gutta get my grandson's Christmas present ordered and shipped to Bri's address! That should be easy but I've got to flip through so many pages on amazon .com and my copy and paste doesn't seem to be working well! This brain injury survivor keeps getting confused between the pages! I dislike admitting that but this I believe in an import...

12.14.14 after 9pm

The option to copy and paste wasn't working on fb for me so I asked to ne mailed an address to my primary email address! Finally got it but c&p is not working throughout my entire system! I needed to copy & paste an address on an order form and I've just got to accept it as part of living with brain injury!Some days I can't get something to work for me, I try to do the same task many different ways but it just doesn't happen! This tbi survivor is way too frustrated to try it again tonight, maybe tomorrow it will go easier for me! Tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA to swim laps then do my weights! My foot is causing discomfort  but I've gutta make it tomorrow! Lisa came up tonight and we had dinna together :)!  

12.1414 around 1.20pm

This brain injury survivor gets so confused very easily! I want to get my grandson a Christmas gift! One that will make his brain develop well! I go by what worked for me as a father raising a boy basically alone from the time he was 12 years old. My son always had the best game systems! I believe they made him think! Then the computer age hit and I made sure he always had a computer! I got separated from my wife and had to move away  from my house but I had a laptop he could use along with his game systems! I got divorced and had a hefty child support payment to make each week then my laptop fried! I didn't want my son to be without, although he still had I think a  play station to work his brain but I didn't think that was enough! I lived basically month to month when I got my commission check! I didn't want him to be one day without a computer so being strapped for cash myself my mother put a computer on her charge card and I paid her back after I received my check! I...

12.13.14 around 10pm

I'm trying to remember what went down today but it seems like I'm searching in my brain and thoughts keep rushing by with no chance of recognizing what they are :(! I think I scooted to the store, put value on my laundry card! I think this is the week I have my homemaker wash my sheets so I don't have to do my laundry tomorrow cause Michaela does everything I've got:) ! Last few times she even put all my shirts on hangers too! I've gutta get to D&D's sometime soon cause I give out D&D's gift cards to the people who help me at Christmas time! Oh yeah, I had to put $20 on my card cause the machine wouldn't take my smaller bills :( ! I guess its okay though I'll use it! Made a quick and easy dinna tonight, tomorrow is Sunday, I've guts cook something good! maybe I'll do something alfreado or a cheese turkey bacon turkey burger and try my turkey bacon for breakfast! Its Sunday I'll be good to me :)!  

12.13.14 around 3pm

I was gonna scoot to Wg's but I didn't like the way my power gauge was reading going up technical park dr. :(! That is a slight incline and my power gauge would go down to very low power! These batteries I got last time seem to sux real bad! Thankfully I've got two new batteries I ordered from spin life! Maybe later I'll change them over! I'll keep switching them back and forth cause I think if I don't rotate them they will go bad! I've gutta be confident it will do Wg's and back though cause I gutta be able to get my meds! Who knows it may have made it but my foot is killing and I didn't want to have to push it one foot! My Dell tablet wasn't connecting to a wireless network down in Lisa's apartment! I've done all I can do to try and get her on the internet now she is gonna have to get an ISP on her own if she wants to have internet! I showed her net zero for $9.95 per month but this is low income housing and she's on ssi not ssdi, I...

12.13.14 around 11am

I figured out a way to get around my freezer congestion! Just take some things out of the box! I took some of my lean pockets out and created more room for things :)! I've just gutta remember what they are! I only got two kinds so they are either meatballs with cheese or chicken parmesan!

12.13.14 around 10.15am

I'm waiting for peapod to deliver my order! They could be here anytime now! I continue to have mouse problems on my desktop! I'm using a mouse now that feels good in my hand but it's not an optical mouse and I'm not using a mouse pad! I guess I'm gonna have to search through my computer stuff to find one of my pads! Peapod just came!

12.12.14 around 6pm

I had an early dinna for me :)! I dad just a pizza for one! Lisa is coming over lata I'm gonna let her use my Dell tablet! I think I've had it in her apartment  before and it connected to one of the wireless networks in this building! Then maybe that will help lift her out of this awful depression! 

12.11.14 after 7.30pm

I was trying to plan ahead so I was studying my online calendar and I'm scheduled to have another colonoscopy next Tuesday! There is no way I can possibly do all the preparation  the day before that so I've got to make sure I call to reschedule tomorrow! That also has issues, I don't know what number to call! I do know he is at Granite medical   so I look that up on the web get a phone number, create a file in notepad! Important task for tomorrow, call granite medical! I didn't  want to go through that again so so soon after the last one anyway but I'm just putting off the inevitable!

12.11.14 after 5.30pm

Today is my brother Ed's B-day, happy B-day! Growing I always associated this day with being two weeks before Christmas!As a kid this was always a happy time of year! I've been to hics today and what I can remember is KC ran a memory group last group of the day! We went over strategies to help improve our memories! What causes our memories to decline and what we can do to prevent rapid decline! One strategy is to use some sort of gadget we can use to remind us of things like a cell phone! I've got my Iphone that also can bring up my online calendar! I always try to remember things without using my tools first! Then use my tools as to sort of back up my mind! That also is a form of exercising my brain! I remember the first gadget I got to give me reminders, an electronic organizer! While still in therapy Cara suggested I get one, although I had to program it every night, that was a great tool early on in my journey! My computer has always been the best tool for just about ev...

12.10.14 around 9pm

Lisa was over for a while tonight cause I told her about head injury Jane and she wanted to see some :)! I told her that's what I want to do, create a video about my journey through traumatic brain injury :)!

12.10.14 around 6pm

I never got to trying to prepare or get things ready to do cheese turkey bacon turkey burgers so I've gutta find something quick and easy for dinna tonight! Tonight I've gutta see if my other devises can record videos! After watching head injury Jane I think I have  things I can express that would add to her series or maybe start my own :)!

12.10.14 around 3pm

I scooted to the store and it really wasn't bad! I wouldn't say it was a dry scoot but I guess I went at the right time! My scooter isn't doing too bad holding the charge but it did move slightly from fully charged! I guess the real test would be to do a scoot from here to Wg's and back! I'll do that after it's been charging overnight though! With my foot causing me so much discomfort  and the weather issues the last thing I want is to have to push my scooter anywhere! I've got some time to plan tonight's dinna . I think I will GF a turkey bacon cheese turkey burger on whole wheat  bread :)!

12.10.14 after 1.35pm

I've placed my Walmart order for this month! I got a salt shaker,hdmi cable so I could connect my laptop to my 42" tv and use that as a dvd player! I could also use my tv as a super large monitor :)! I've still gutta place a peapod order but I've got plenty of food so that will wait but I do need to take a wet scoot just to the store.

12.10.14 around 12pm

I've paid all my bills for this month except the IRS! They can wait! Between my child support payment and taxes I only got a little over $100 in my weekly salary check when I was working for Giant Glass! I had to claim three dependents too otherwise there wouldn't be enough after taxes to make my cs payment! See there are many reasons why I got in trouble with the IRS! I had made a deal with them to pay an extra $150 per month before my coma then my accident! I defaulted on that deal and had to hire a lawyer to strike another deal with them! This time it costs me $377. a month! That's a far cry from $150 but I'm doing very well sustaining my payments! I haven't missed a payment and I always pay them last! I had my normal issues navigating the Mass commonwealth site! They don't make it easy to find the right link to choose to pay my Mass health premium!  I was able to finally choose the right link! A lot of hit and miss thankfully I don't know how to give up!...

12.10.14 around 10am

My ssdi check was deposited in my account overnight :)! That means I've got to pay all my bills! I've already paid myself. I always take all that is over $2,000 and transfer to my savings :)! I've got my monthly Walmart order to complete and my bi monthly peapod order to do! This tbi surviver spends no money frivolously!

12.9.14 around 10pm

I just had a flash back to my career at Giant Glass! The salesman from the distributer I bought most of my autoglass parts from would have done just about anything I wanted him to! He was always asking me to do lunch! Finally I said, take  my whole crew out to dinner every month! We were all taken out to dinner on the Libby Owens Ford charge card :)!

12.9.14 around 6pm

No luck in finding a microphone but I thought-know I can use one of my other devices! My laptop, one of them they all have built in web cams and mics! My tablet has them too! Then if all else fails I've got my Iphone :)! This tbi survivor has worked his brain real well this afternoon :)! Now I gutta make some dinna :)!

12.9.14 around 5pm

I've been working on recording a video but the microphone is not working on my web cam :(! I used to have a separate  mic! Lisa suggested I try my karaoke mic! Great thought but I think the lead is to thick to fit in the jack! All this thinking is a great workout for my brain! Who needs to do crossword puzzles or word searches, my computer gives me all the brain exercise I need :)! I won't give up on this new project but it will be a strain on my balance digging through tons of old computer stuff but as always I'm gonna face this challenge head on :) !  

12.9.14 before 10am

Lisa and I were talking about making a video about Jamie's journey  through  traumatic brain injury! I've been able to research exactly how I can record such a video! The program to use I've found is movie maker! I've started a list of things to discuss too! I don't remember what hospital I was in when I woke up from the coma :( ! I remember all the hospitals I was in but I don't remember  which one I came to life in, can anyone help me to remember?

12.8.14 around 9pm

I've been finding all these videos of personal accounts with traumatic brain injury! Many of the issues the survivors have are very similar to mine but no tbi is the same as another! Yes we all have very similar struggles and issues like short term memory loss! Lisa said I should make a video about my journey through tbi! We are both gonna try tomorrow to create a vid about Jamie's journey with traumatic brain injury :)!

12.8.14 around 8.30pm

My foot is hurting bad again :(! The only thing I've done is make dinna and go down and get my snail mail! I'm told it keeps coming back cause I tend to drag my right foot while walking. I try to focus on lifting my foot up completely but it seems that is not happening :(! I've got the brace that was made for me but that's too uncomfortable to wear! I really need to call them and tell them this! I'm not doing hics tomorrow cause they are going to the south shore mall and I really shouldn't spend any money! My check gets deposited tomorrow and it shows up in my account on Wednesday! That means I do all the things I do when my check comes in! First pay myself then all my bills, make a peapod order, checkout my walmart order! This tbi survivor handles his money very well!

12.8.14 around 6pm

Lisa went to Wg's and got the meds and all the other stuff I wanted :)! I'm so glad I've got such a great friend like Lisa :)! Michaela was here and she cleaned  my entire apartment! I'm lucky I have that benefit! My place is always clean but she does things that can be very challenging for me to do! She washed my washable floors, and vacuums all my rugs ! Every three weeks I have her wash my bed sheets too! I've done all this myself before  and I find it difficult to keep my balance while moving the vacuum  around! As far as washing my sheets, I've done that only one time! It was extremely hard for me to move around my bed and put the clean sheets back without loosing my balance! 

12.8.14 after 3.40pm

My foot feels a little better after staying off it for most of the day! For the rest of the day, I've got Michaela coming at 4pm and Lisa coming with my meds and stuff this super nice lady went to Wg's and picked up for me! I'm so lucky to have a great friend in Lisa! 

12.8.14 around11am

I couldn't do the YMCA this morning cause my foot was just causing me way too much discomfort! When I have a change in my plans I've  got  things I've gutta do to be a responsible person! 1st I've got to call and cancel my trips with "the ride" then call the YMCA to say I won't be in today! I've got to let them know cause I get help on the machines and its conmen courtesy to let them know! I'm not gonna do hics tomorrow cause it was written in my pocket calendar "no hics"! I had forgotten why so I called just to make sure its on for Thursday!  Tuesday they are going to the south shore plaza and I really don't have money to spend there! I'm waiting for my check to get deposited! I've got other things that are much more important for me to spend $ on first! Much to what some think this tbi survivor is super with all of his assets! I've been accused of spending  my money frivolously that all  cause I got Lisa a combination B-...

12.7.14 around 9pm

I just got laundry all done! It's just so frustrating after getting it out of the dryer! My hands and arms don't work well together at all! It seems at times they fight against each other! I concentrate on one hand holding a shirt and my other straitening out the shirt then fight to get it on a hanger! I can see why the suicide rate is so high with tbi survivors cause it's real hard to understand why my body doesn't do what I concentrate hard on making those connections in my brain and they just don't connect! Now I gutta make a late dinna!It is a full time job just taking care of myself!     

12.7.14 around 6pm

I called Lisa and asked if she was gonna go to Wg's tonight or tomorrow cause I've got a script that needs to be picked up. She said "Can anyone pick it up"? I called Wg's and asked them and  they said "yes as long as they know your address"! Lisa is gonna pick my meds up for me :)! I needed some other stuff too so she took a list! I need some Centrum silver vitamins for men over fifty and some peanut butter  M&M's! She is such a GREAT friend to me :)! Now I can do the YMCA tomorrow stress free :)! I've still got laundry to do, I'll be doing laundry past 8pm tonight ugg!

12.7.14 around 4pm

I scooted to the store and my battery gauge didn't move from fully charged! I think I could have made it to Wg's and back! I should have cause I get home to find a voice mail from Wg's saying a script is ready to be picked up! I'll see if there is time tomorrow after I get home from the YMCA! They only hold the scrip for 48hrs! Bad weather is supposed to be coming, maybe I'll ask Lisa to drive me there! You know though if there is any way I can do it close to safely, I will! They just called again, a real person! She said I've had a script ready for a couple days now! I've gutta get there tomorrow somehow!

12.7.14 around 10am

Today I've gutta scoot just to the store and do all my laundry! I would like to scoot to Wg's but I'm just worried about my battery life! I'm pretty sure it can do the store and back but I'm a little to nervous to do Wg's and back! They say we are in for some inclement weather so I've got to make sure I'm stocked up on my needs! I get my check deposited on Tuesday so I'm running low on funds! I gutta check, maybe its time to transfer some funds btw my accounts! This tbi survivor is right on top of his limited finances! 

12.6.14 around 11am

Living on a fixed income I've got to be very careful what I spend my money on! Food of coerce is important then I've gutta be able to get places to get it! Peapod is a great resource but you have to have a minimum $60 order! I've gutta be able to get my meds! They are for the most part covered by my benefits, no cost to me but I've gutta be able to get them! Wg's isn't far from here but much too far for me to use my walker and walk! I made a great friend here who drives and has a car but its just me I've got to be able to satisfy all my needs all by myself! That's where my scooter has come in so handy! Then charging issues arise so I find a web site I can get new batteries at! Then my lead to my charger comes apart on me! I research that site for a charger, find one but it costs $75! Whats great about most places you shop online you can put things in a cart and checkout at a later time! I'm gonna have to WAIT until my check gets deposited but I think...

12.5.14 after 9pm

Lisa was over and we ordered out at Brookville for dinna :) ! I got a large pastrami and swiss cheese sub toasted and she got some kind a yucky vegetarian sub, yuk! My new batteries arrived but I was pulling the charger cord away from the battery pack and the cord came apart! I didn't notice any wires out of place so I straitened it out and plugged it back in! I did notice on the web site they sell a charger cord I'll make sure this is working then when my check gets in think about getting another charger. So many things keep coming up for me to spend my money on and I really want to go to Maine and visit Darcy! I know Darcy understands but I think it sux cause I'd love to go spend some qt with that pretty young lady!   

12.5.14 around 5pm

I've been to the YMCA for my weights and I'm still leg pressing 325 lb! I figure Monday I'll increase it a little to 330lbs! I'm gonna get to 350 lbs in no time :)! I've gutta quickly get changed cause Lisa's coming over and we are gonna order out for dinna :)!

12.5.14 after 8.45am

I've got to get it across to someone who is turning 30 yrs old this year the importance of seeing a doctor regularly! that's where mine is, I asked him yesterday if he would take my son and he can't accept new patients! Kenny just go to the site, check it out, get  the phone number, call them and make an appointment to see somebody! They are a one stop facility with doctors that specialize in just about everything!There is an ent there, cardiologist, everything!

12.4.14 after 8.30pm

I forgot, go figure, I also got a flu shot today! I always  though that would give a trace of the flu but they assured me that won't happen! I asked about the pneumonia shot and he said that's only good if your in your 60's! How about that I'm too young for something:) ! I was weighed today too! I'm now a mere 175 lb! That's 10lb less than I was when I got in my motorcycle accident!

12.4.14 after 6.50pm

I had my pcp write me a script for a med that another doctor I've called and asked to be snail mailed a script for! I explained its been about three weeks since I've done this so he wrote me a script for just a few! I had my  driver for "the ride" drop me off at Wg's today so I could get it filled! I had been using my scooter all day and I was worrying about it running out of juice! I got into Wg's and the power gauge started to show loosing power! So I quickly went about the store picking up my needs then started my cold stressful scoot home! I was just praying it makes it to technical park drive then its all downhill! It made it, I got home and checked the status on the new batteries I purchased from spin life and they still have yet  to ship them:(!

12.4.14 after 5.45pm

I've been to my pcp's office and  he says I'm doing fine! They didn't do the multitudes  of blood work this time though! I scheduled my rides anticipating lots of time in the lab! I had to WAIT a long time for my return trip! I get home and there is a voice mail from another doctor confirming an appointment! I didn't recognize the name so I had to research everything I have to try and match this up so I understand what it is for!I'm having another colonoscopy on the 16th of this month! I did the last one without anesthesia I'd like to be put out this time but they say if I am knocked out I can't take "the ride" to get back home! I just spoke with Lisa and she's gonna check her calendar  to see if she can get me after. I remember the last time it was hell without getting anesthesia!   

12.3.14 around 7.30pm

Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my primary care physician dr.Black. I believe he is one of if not the finest general care doctors around! He was the one back in the early 90's said I suffered from migraine headaches and prescribed me a med that gave me relief! If you have ever had a real migraine headache you know what a relief that was! I also credit him with finding my cancer early too! He always has me get lots of blood work done and knows what tests to do on my blood! I'm gonna bring my scooter charger with me cause I'm gonna have "the ride" drop me off at Wg's so I can get the meds that are ready for me! Going up technical park dr. seems to drain my batteries so this way I'll only have to use that road  going downhill! I just gutta make sure I've got enough juice to make it there!  

12.3.14 after 4.45pm

I've been to the YMCA and I leg pressed 325lbs 12 repetitions and I felt I could do a lot more weight :)! Friday I'll try to do 335lbs! I move very slowly trough all of my reps as to get the most out of the exercise! Slow and controlled! I checked my snail mail cause I couldn't  remember if I did yesterday and there was a survey  about this place in there! Lisa helped me fill it out cause of my writing issues and she is gonna drop in a mail box for me :)! I'm not ready to try my scooter to Wg's yet but I've gutta soon cause Wg's called and said a script was ready! I'm thinking of having  "the ride" drop me off there tomorrow after my dr's appointment! Then I wouldn't have to put such a drain on the batteries going up the hill on technical park drive! If my scooter is still causing me battery issues I'll ask if Lisa will drive me to Wg's :)!

12.2.14 after 6.30pm

I've been to hics today :)! We had one group but most of today was spent on putting up our Christmas décor :)! I'm trying to set up one of the other survivors with a computer! KJ was working with my old notebook but couldn't get it to connect to a wii fii signal! I've got my netbook to try next, both connected to my wireless network I don't understand why it wouldn't connect to others! The only thing with my netbook is I spilled a drink on it long ago and the keyboards not working! There are many usb ports though right now I've got another keyboard connected up! Taking into consideration these issues I'll let my netbook go for $25.. I firmly believe a computer helps survovors of traumatic brain injury so much and I want to help this survivor to progress! There is another tbi survivor who lives in my building  who is also interested in buying one of my old devises! When KJ brings me back my older laptop I'm gonna offer that to him but I don't know...

12.1.14 around 2pm

I'm angry with myself! I didn't do the YMCA today cause I let the pain in my toe win :(! Its not working out that causes me pain its the walking to my ride the to the gym then back home that bothers me! Maybe its time to start doing the pool on Friday too! Then I'll have a back-up just in case :)!